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psrinfo(1m) [opendarwin man page]

psrinfo(1M)						  System Administration Commands					       psrinfo(1M)

psrinfo - displays information about processors SYNOPSIS
psrinfo [-p] [-v] [processor_id...] psrinfo [-p] -s processor_id DESCRIPTION
psrinfo displays information about processors. Each physical processor may support multiple virtual processors. Each virtual processor is an entity with its own interrupt ID, capable of executing independent threads. Without the processor_id operand, psrinfo displays one line for each configured processor, displaying whether it is on-line, non-interrupt- ible (designated by no-intr), spare, off-line, faulted or powered off, and when that status last changed. Use the processor_id operand to display information about a specific processor. See OPERANDS. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -s processor_id Silent mode. Displays 1 if the specified processor is fully on-line. Displays 0 if the specified processor is non-inter- ruptible, spare, off-line, faulted or powered off. Use silent mode when using psrinfo in shell scripts. -p Display the number of physical processors in a system. When combined with the -v option, reports additional information about each physical processor. -v Verbose mode. Displays additional information about the specified processors, including: processor type, floating point unit type and clock speed. If any of this information cannot be determined, psrinfo displays unknown. When combined with the -p option, reports additional information about each physical processor. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: processor_id The processor ID of the processor about which information is to be displayed. Specify processor_id as an individual processor number (for example, 3), multiple processor numbers separated by spaces (for example, 1 2 3), or a range of processor numbers (for example, 1-4). It is also possible to combine ranges and (indi- vidual or multiple) processor_ids (for example, 1-3 5 7-8 9). EXAMPLES
Example 1: Displaying Information About All Configured Processors in Verbose Mode The following example displays information about all configured processors in verbose mode. psrinfo -v Example 2: Determining If a Processor is On-line The following example uses psrinfo in a shell script to determine if a processor is on-line. if [ "`psrinfo -s 3 2> /dev/null`" -eq 1 ] then echo "processor 3 is up" fi Example 3: Displaying Information About the Physical Processors in the System With no additional arguments, the -p option displays a single integer: the number of physical processors in the system: > psrinfo -p 8 psrinfo also accepts command line arguments (processor IDs): > psrinfo -p 0 512 # IDs 0 and 512 exist on the 1 # same physical processor > psrinfo -p 0 1 # IDs 0 and 1 exist on different 2 # physical processors In this example, virtual processors 0 and 512 exist on the same physical processor. Virtual processors 0 and 1 do not. This is specific to this example and is and not a general rule. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
psradm(1M), p_online(2), processor_info(2), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
psrinfo: processor 9: Invalid argument The specified processor does not exist. SunOS 5.10 21 Feb 2004 psrinfo(1M)
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