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xdriinfo(1) [opendarwin man page]

xdriinfo(1)						      General Commands Manual						       xdriinfo(1)

xdriinfo - query configuration information of DRI drivers SYNOPSIS
xdriinfo [-display displayname] [command] DESCRIPTION
xdriinfo can be used to query configuration information of direct rendering drivers. If no command argument is specified it lists the names of the direct rendering drivers for all screens. Valid commands are: nscreens Print the number of screens. driver screen Print the name of the direct rendering driver for screen. options screen|driver Print the XML document describing the configuration options of a driver. The driver can be specified directly by driver name or indirectly by screen number. If the driver name is specified directly then no X connection is needed. ENVIRONMENT
DISPLAY The default display. SEE ALSO
X(7), xdpyinfo(1), xwininfo(1), xvinfo(1), glxinfo(1), xprop(1) AUTHOR
Felix Kuehling X Version 11 xdriinfo 1.0.4 xdriinfo(1)

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xdriinfo(1)						      General Commands Manual						       xdriinfo(1)

xdriinfo - query configuration information of DRI drivers SYNOPSIS
xdriinfo [-display displayname] [command] DESCRIPTION
xdriinfo can be used to query configuration information of direct rendering drivers. If no command argument is specified it lists the names of the direct rendering drivers for all screens. Valid commands are: nscreens Print the number of screens. driver screen Print the name of the direct rendering driver for screen. options screen|driver Print the XML document describing the configuration options of a driver. The driver can be specified directly by driver name or indirectly by screen number. If the driver name is specified directly then no X connection is needed. ENVIRONMENT
DISPLAY The default display. SEE ALSO
X(7), xdpyinfo(1), xwininfo(1), xvinfo(1), glxinfo(1), xprop(1) AUTHOR
Felix Kuehling X Version 11 xdriinfo 1.0.3 xdriinfo(1)
Man Page

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