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virecover(8) [netbsd man page]

VIRECOVER(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      VIRECOVER(8)

virecover -- report recovered vi edit sessions SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/virecover DESCRIPTION
The virecover utility sends emails to users who have vi(1) recovery files. This email gives the name of the file that was saved for recovery and instructions for recovering most, if not all, of the changes to the file. This is done by using the -r option with vi(1). See the -r option in vi(1) for details. If the backup files have the execute bit set or are zero length, then they have not been modified, so virecover deletes them to clean up. virecover also removes recovery files that are corrupted, zero length, or do not have a corresponding backup file. virecover is normally run automatically at boot time using /etc/rc.d/virecover. FILES
/var/tmp/vi.recover/recover.* vi(1) recovery files /var/tmp/vi.recover/vi.* vi(1) editor backup files SEE ALSO
vi(1), rc.conf(5) HISTORY
This script, previously known as recover.script, is from nvi and was added to NetBSD in 1996. It was renamed in 2001. AUTHORS
This man page was written by Jeremy C. Reed <>. BSD
October 9, 2006 BSD

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undbx(1)							       undbx								  undbx(1)

undbx - a tool to extract e-mails from Outlook Express .dbx files. SYNOPSIS
undbx is a tool to extract, recover and undelete e-mails messages from Outlook Express .dbx files. Email are extracted in individual .eml files. When a target directory is specified, undbx will extract e-mails from dbx files found in this directory. Instead of providing a target directory, the usr can provide a target dbx file. When no output directory is specified, undbx will extract emails in a subdirectory of the current directory. In normal mode (not recovery), a message is extracted only if there is no corresponding .eml file in the destination directory. On the other hand, if a .eml file exists in the destination directory and no corresponding mail is found in the .dbx file, the mail is con- sidered deleted and undbx will delete this .eml file. This way, undbx can be used as an synchronization backup tool for .dbx files. The file names of .eml files are composed by the From, To and Subjec: header fields. The modification time of each file is set to match the date specified in the Date field of the mail header. OPTIONS
--help Provides a short help message. --recover undbx attempt to recover e-mail messages from a corrupted .dbx file. In this mode fragments of messages are collected into .eml files. This may take a long time and some messages maybe corrupted. Also, all messages are extracted, not only the new ones. --version Shows the version string SEE ALSO
pffinfo(1) pffexport(1) munpack(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Christophe Monniez <> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. February 23, 2011 undbx(1)
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