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vgexport(8) [netbsd man page]

VGEXPORT(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       VGEXPORT(8)

vgexport - make volume groups unknown to the system SYNOPSIS
vgexport [-a|--all] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [-v|--verbose] VolumeGroupName [VolumeGroupName...] DESCRIPTION
vgexport allows you to make the inactive VolumeGroupName(s) unknown to the system. You can then move all the Physical Volumes in that Vol- ume Group to a different system for later vgimport(8). Most LVM2 tools ignore exported Volume Groups. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -a, --all Export all inactive Volume Groups. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), pvscan(8), vgimport(8), vgscan(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.44-cvs (02-17-09) VGEXPORT(8)

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VGIMPORT(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       VGIMPORT(8)

vgimport - make volume groups known to the system SYNOPSIS
vgimport [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] VolumeGroupName PhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...] DESCRIPTION
vgimport allows you to make a volume group known to the system which has previously been exported (see vgexport(8) ) on this or another system. OPTIONS -d, --debug Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG). -f, --force Force import of volume group even though it is not flagged exported. This option allows the importing of volume groups from broken systems. -h, --help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. -v, --verbose Display verbose runtime information about vgimport's activities. Examples "vgimport myvg /dev/sd[b-h]5" tries to make new volume group "myvg" known to the system. The previously exported volume group (see vgex- port(8) ) resides on disk partitions "/dev/sdb5" to "/dev/sdh5". DIAGNOSTICS
vgimport returns an exit code of 0 for success and > 0 for error: 1 no volume group name on command line 2 invalid volume group name 3 no physical volume(s) on command line 4 volume group already exists 5 physical volume occurs mutiple times on command line 6 invalid physical volume name 7 error reading physical volume 8 physical volume is not exported 9 error reallocating memory 10 error allocating memory 11 no valid physical volumes found 12 physical volume belongs to a different exported volume group 13 wrong number of physical volumes 14 error reading VGDA from disk(s) 15 VGDA is inconsistent 16 invalid logical volume count 17 error getting a free volume group number 18 error writing VGDA to physical volumes 19 error creating VGDA in kernel 20 error inserting volume group into lvmtab 21 error doing backup of VGDA to disk 22 error storing VGDA in lvmtab 23 not enough free logical volume manager block specials available 95 driver/module not in kernel 96 invalid I/O protocol version 97 error locking logical volume manager 98 invalid lvmtab (run vgscan(8)) 99 invalid command line Example "vgimport this_import /dev/sdk3 /dev/sdj4" tries to import a volume group contained on both partitions. The volume group this_import may not already exit. You have to specify all physical volumes belonging to the exported volume group. See also lvm(8), lvcreate(8) AUTHOR
Heinz Mauelshagen <> Heinz Mauelshagen LVM TOOLS VGIMPORT(8)
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