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user(8) [netbsd man page]

USER(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   USER(8)

user -- manage user login information on the system SYNOPSIS
user add -D [options] user add [options] user user del -D [options] user del [options] user user info [options] user user mod [options] user DESCRIPTION
The user utility acts as a frontend to the useradd(8), usermod(8), userinfo(8), and userdel(8) commands. The utilities by default are built with EXTENSIONS. This allows for further functionality. For a full explanation of the options available, please see the relevant manual page. EXIT STATUS
The user utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. FILES
/etc/skel/.[A-z]* Skeleton files for new user /etc/usermgmt.conf Configuration file for user, group(8) and the backend commands mentioned above. SEE ALSO
chpass(1), group(5), passwd(5), usermgmt.conf(5), useradd(8), userdel(8), userinfo(8), usermod(8) HISTORY
The user utility first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. It is based on the addnerd package by the same author. AUTHORS
The user utility was written by Alistair G. Crooks <>. BSD
November 16, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

GROUPMOD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       GROUPMOD(8)

groupmod -- modify an existing group on the system SYNOPSIS
groupmod [-ov] [-g gid] [-n newname] group DESCRIPTION
The groupmod utility modifies an existing group on the system. See group(8) for more information about EXTENSIONS. The options are as fol- lows: -g gid Give the numeric group identifier to be used for the new group. -n new-group-name Give the new name which the group shall have. -o Allow the new group to have a gid which is already in use for another group. -v Enable verbose mode - explain the commands as they are executed. This option is included if built with EXTENSIONS. EXIT STATUS
The groupmod utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
group(5), group(8), user(8) HISTORY
The groupmod utility first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. It is based on the addnerd package by the same author. AUTHORS
The groupmod utility was written by Alistair G. Crooks <>. BSD
November 7, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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10. Solaris

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