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poweroff(8) [netbsd man page]

REBOOT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 REBOOT(8)

reboot, poweroff, halt -- restarting, powering down and stopping the system SYNOPSIS
halt [-dlnpqvxz] poweroff [-dlnqvxz] reboot [-dlnqvxz] [arg ...] DESCRIPTION
The poweroff, halt and reboot utilities flush the file system cache to disk, send all running processes a SIGTERM, wait for up to 30 seconds for them to die, send a SIGKILL to the survivors and, respectively, power down, halt or restart the system. The action is logged, including entering a shutdown record into the login accounting file and sending a message via syslog(3). The options are as follows: -d Create a dump before halting or restarting. This option is useful for debugging system dump procedures or capturing the state of a corrupted or misbehaving system. -l Suppress sending a message via syslog(3) before halting or restarting. -n Do not flush the file system cache. This option should be used with extreme caution. It can be used if a disk or a processor is on fire. -p Attempt to powerdown the system. If the powerdown fails, or the system does not support software powerdown, the system will halt. This option is only valid for halt. -v To enable verbose messages on the console, pass the boothowto(9) flag AB_VERBOSE to reboot(2). -x To enable debugging messages on the console, pass the boothowto(9) flag AB_DEBUG to reboot(2). -z To silence some shutdown messages on the console, pass the boothowto(9) flag AB_SILENT to reboot(2). -q Do not give processes a chance to shut down before halting or restarting. This option should not normally be used. If there are any arguments passed to reboot they are concatenated with spaces and passed as bootstr to the reboot(2) system call. The string is passed to the firmware on platforms that support it. Normally, the shutdown(8) utility is used when the system needs to be halted or restarted, giving users advance warning of their impending doom. SEE ALSO
reboot(2), syslog(3), utmp(5), boot(8), init(8), rescue(8), shutdown(8), sync(8) HISTORY
A reboot command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. The poweroff command first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. CAVEATS
Once the command has begun its work, stopping it before it completes will probably result in a system so crippled it must be physically reset. To prevent premature termination, the command blocks many signals early in its execution. However, nothing can defend against delib- erate attempts to evade this. This command will stop the system without running any shutdown(8) scripts. Amongst other things, this means that swapping will not be dis- abled so that raid(4) can shutdown cleanly. You should normally use shutdown(8) unless you are running in single user mode. BUGS
The single user shell will ignore the SIGTERM signal. To avoid waiting for the timeout when rebooting or halting from the single user shell, you have to exec reboot or exec halt. BSD
February 16, 2011 BSD

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REBOOT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 REBOOT(8)

halt, reboot -- stopping and restarting the system SYNOPSIS
halt [-lnqu] reboot [-lnq] DESCRIPTION
The halt and reboot utilities flush the file system cache to disk, send all running processes a SIGTERM (and subsequently a SIGKILL) and, respectively, halt or restart the system. The action is logged, including entering a shutdown record into the wtmp(5) file. When the system is halted with the halt command, the system is powered off. The options are as follows: -l The halt or reboot is not recorded in the system log. This option is intended for applications such as shutdown(8), that call reboot or halt and log this themselves. -n The file system cache is not flushed. This option should probably not be used. -q The system is halted or restarted quickly and ungracefully, and only the flushing of the file system cache is performed (if the -n option is not specified). This option should probably not be used. -u The system is halted up until the point of removing system power, but waits before removing power for 5 minutes so that an external UPS (uninterruptible power supply) can forcibly remove power. This simulates a dirty shutdown to permit a later automatic power on. OS X uses this mode automatically with supported UPSs in emergency shutdowns. Normally, the shutdown(8) utility is used when the system needs to be halted or restarted, giving users advance warning of their impending doom and cleanly terminating specific programs. SIGTERM TO SIGKILL INTERVAL
The SIGKILL will follow the SIGTERM by an intentionally indeterminate period of time. Programs are expected to take only enough time to flush all dirty data and exit. Developers are encouraged to file a bug with the OS vendor, should they encounter an issue with this func- tionality. SEE ALSO
wtmp(5), shutdown(8), sync(8) HISTORY
A reboot utility appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD
June 9, 1993 BSD
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