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pcictl(8) [netbsd man page]

PCICTL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 PCICTL(8)

pcictl -- a program to manipulate the PCI bus SYNOPSIS
pcictl pcibus command [arg [...]] DESCRIPTION
pcictl allows a user or system administrator to access various resources on a PCI bus. The following commands are available: list [-n] [-b bus] [-d device] [-f function] List the devices in the PCI domain, either as names or, if -n is given, as numbers. The bus, device, and function numbers may be specified by flags. Any locator not specified defaults to a wildcard, or may be explicitly wildcarded by specifying ``any''. dump [-b bus] -d device [-f function] Dump the PCI configuration space for the specified device located at the specified bus, device, and function. If the bus is not specified, it defaults to the bus number of the PCI bus specified on the command line. If the function is not specified, it defaults to 0. FILES
/dev/pci* - PCI bus device nodes SEE ALSO
pci(3), pci(4), drvctl(8) HISTORY
The pcictl command first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. BSD
February 25, 2011 BSD

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PCI(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						    PCI(3)

pci -- library interface for PCI bus access LIBRARY
PCI Bus Access Library (libpci, -lpci) SYNOPSIS
#include <pci.h> int pcibus_conf_read(int pcifd, u_int bus, u_int dev, u_int func, u_int reg, pcireg_t *valp); int pcibus_conf_write(int pcifd, u_int bus, u_int dev, u_int func, u_int reg, pcireg_t val); int pcidev_conf_read(int devfd, u_int reg, pcireg_t *valp); int pcidev_conf_write(int devfd, u_int reg, pcireg_t val); char * pci_findvendor(pcireg_t id_reg); void pci_devinfo(pcireg_t id_reg, pcireg_t class_reg, char *devinfo, size_t len); void pci_conf_print(int pcifd, u_int bus, u_int dev, u_int func); DESCRIPTION
The pci library provides support for accessing the PCI bus by user programs. These functions are available in the libpci library. Programs should be linked with -lpci. CONFIGURATION SPACE FUNCTIONS
The following functions are used to access PCI configuration space: pcibus_conf_read() Access the PCI configuration register reg on the device located at bus, dev, func, and place the result in *valp. pcifd must be an open file descriptor to a PCI bus within the target PCI domain. pcibus_conf_write() Write the value specified by val into the PCI configuration register reg on the device located at bus, dev, func. pcifd must be an open file descriptor to a PCI bus within the target PCI domain. pcidev_conf_read() Access the PCI configuration register reg on the device associated with the open file descriptor devfd and place the result in *valp. pcidev_conf_write() Write the value specified by val into the PCI configuration register reg on the device associated with the open file descriptor devfd. MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS
The following miscellaneous functions are available: pci_findvendor() Return an ASCII description of the PCI vendor in the PCI ID register id_reg. pci_devinfo() Return an ASCII description of the PCI vendor, PCI product, and PCI class specified by the PCI ID register id_reg and PCI class ID reg- ister class_reg. The description is placed into the buffer pointed to by devinfo; the size of that buffer is specified in len. pci_conf_print() Print the PCI configuration information for the device located at bus, dev, func. pcifd must be an open file descriptor to a PCI bus within the target PCI domain. RETURN VALUES
The pcibus_conf_read(), pcibus_conf_write(), pcidev_conf_read(), and pcidev_conf_write() functions return 0 on success and -1 on failure. The pci_findvendor() function returns NULL if the PCI vendor description cannot be found. SEE ALSO
pci(4) HISTORY
The pcibus_conf_read(), pcibus_conf_write(), pcidev_conf_read(), pcidev_conf_write(), pci_findvendor(), pci_devinfo(), and pci_conf_print() functions first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. BSD
April 24, 2004 BSD
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