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named-journalprint(8) [netbsd man page]


named-journalprint - print zone journal in human-readable form SYNOPSIS
named-journalprint {journal} DESCRIPTION
named-journalprint prints the contents of a zone journal file in a human-readable form. Journal files are automatically created by named when changes are made to dynamic zones (e.g., by nsupdate). They record each addition or deletion of a resource record, in binary format, allowing the changes to be re-applied to the zone when the server is restarted after a shutdown or crash. By default, the name of the journal file is formed by appending the extension .jnl to the name of the corresponding zone file. named-journalprint converts the contents of a given journal file into a human-readable text format. Each line begins with "add" or "del", to indicate whether the record was added or deleted, and continues with the resource record in master-file format. SEE ALSO
named(8), nsupdate(8), BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual. AUTHOR
Internet Systems Consortium COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2009 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") BIND9 Feb 18, 2009 NAMED-JOURNALPRINT(8)

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named-checkconf - named configuration file syntax checking tool SYNOPSIS
named-checkconf [-h] [-v] [-j] [-t directory] {filename} [-p] [-z] DESCRIPTION
named-checkconf checks the syntax, but not the semantics, of a named configuration file. The file is parsed and checked for syntax errors, along with all files included by it. If no file is specified, /etc/named.conf is read by default. Note: files that named reads in separate parser contexts, such as rndc.key and bind.keys, are not automatically read by named-checkconf. Configuration errors in these files may cause named to fail to run, even if named-checkconf was successful. named-checkconf can be run on these files explicitly, however. OPTIONS
-h Print the usage summary and exit. -t directory Chroot to directory so that include directives in the configuration file are processed as if run by a similarly chrooted named. -v Print the version of the named-checkconf program and exit. -p Print out the named.conf and included files in canonical form if no errors were detected. -z Perform a test load of all master zones found in named.conf. -j When loading a zonefile read the journal if it exists. filename The name of the configuration file to be checked. If not specified, it defaults to /etc/named.conf. RETURN VALUES
named-checkconf returns an exit status of 1 if errors were detected and 0 otherwise. SEE ALSO
named(8), named-checkzone(8), BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual. AUTHOR
Internet Systems Consortium COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Internet Software Consortium. BIND9 June 14, 2000 NAMED-CHECKCONF(8)
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