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accton(8) [netbsd man page]

ACCTON(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 ACCTON(8)

accton -- enable/disable system accounting SYNOPSIS
accton [file] DESCRIPTION
With an argument naming an existing file, accton causes system accounting information for every process executed to be placed at the end of the file. If no argument is given, accounting is turned off. The default accounting file is /var/account/acct. Typically, accounting is enabled by rc scripts during the boot process. In NetBSD, one may enable accounting by setting the variable ``accounting'' to ``YES'' in /etc/rc.conf. Note that, traditionally, the system accounting log file can not be rotated cleanly by newsyslog(8). Instead, a default installation of NetBSD rotates /var/account/acct using the /etc/daily script. FILES
/var/account/acct Default accounting file. SEE ALSO
lastcomm(1), acct(5), sa(8) BSD
January 23, 2008 BSD

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acct(2) 							System Calls Manual							   acct(2)

acct - Enables and disables process accounting SYNOPSIS
int acct ( char *path ); PARAMETERS
Specifies a pointer to the pathname of the file, or specifies a null pointer. DESCRIPTION
The acct() function enables and disables UNIX process accounting. When enabled, process accounting produces an accounting record on behalf of each terminating process. The path parameter specifies the pathname of the file to which an accounting record is written. When the path parameter is 0 (zero) or a null value, the acct() function disables the accounting routine. If the path parameter refers to a symbolic link, the acct() function writes records to the file pointed to by the symbolic link. If Network File System is installed on your system, the accounting file can reside on another node. To ensure accurate accounting, each node must have its own accounting file, which can be located on any node in the network. The calling process must have superuser privilege to enable or disable process accounting. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the acct() function returns a value of 0 (zero). Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If the acct() function fails, errno may be set to one of the following values: The calling process does not have appropriate system privi- lege. The file named by the path parameter does not exist. The file named by the path parameter is not an ordinary file. Write permission is denied for the named accounting file. The named file resides on a read-only file system. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: exit(2), sigaction(2), sigvec(2), expacct(3), raise(3) delim off acct(2)
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