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gomoku(6) [netbsd man page]

GOMOKU(6)							 BSD Games Manual							 GOMOKU(6)

gomoku -- game of 5 in a row SYNOPSIS
gomoku [-bcdu] [-D debugfile] [savefile] DESCRIPTION
gomoku is a two player game where the object is to get 5 in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally on a 19 by 19 grid. By convention, black always moves first. The options are: -b Run in batch mode. (See below.) -c Computer versus computer. gomoku will play a game against itself. This is mostly used for testing. -d Print debugging information. Repeating this option more than once yields more detailed information. -D debugfile Print the debug information to debugfile instead of to the standard output. -u User versus user. (Play against yourself.) This is mostly used for testing. savefile Load a previously saved game from savefile. With no arguments, gomoku starts a fresh user vs. computer game. Moves may be entered by selecting the desired board location and pressing the space or enter key. The cursor may be moved using the arrow keys or vi(1) motion keys hjklyubn. These also may be familiar from rogue(6) and hack(6). To quit, type 'Q', and to save the game, type 'S' and supply a file name when prompted. Batch mode Batch mode was intended for game tournaments where a referee program handles the board display and pits one program against another. In this mode, gomoku reads moves from standard input and writes its responses to standard output. The first line of input should be either ``black'' or ``white'' to specify whether gomoku has the first move or not respectively. AUTHORS
The board display routines were based on the goref program written by Peter Langston. The user interface was based on Eric S. Raymond's interface for bs. BSD
March 28, 2010 BSD

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GOMOKU(6)							 BSD Games Manual							 GOMOKU(6)

gomoku -- game of 5 in a row SYNOPSIS
gomoku [-bcdu] [-D debugfile] [inputfile] DESCRIPTION
gomoku is a two player game where the object is to get 5 in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally on a 19 by 19 grid. By convention, black always moves first. With no arguments, gomoku will display a playing board and prompt for moves from the user. Valid moves are a let- ter for the column and a number for the row of an empty board location. Entering ``quit" or ``resign" will end the game. You can save the current state of the game by entering ``save" and supplying a file name when prompted. The optional file inputfile can be used to restore a saved game. The options are: -b This option sets background mode. Input moves are read from standard input, the computer picks a move, and prints it to standard output. The first input line should be either ``black" or ``white" to specify whether gomoku has the first move or not respectively. This option was intended for game tournaments where a referee program handles the board display and pits one program against another. -c Computer versus computer. gomoku will play a game against itself. This is mostly used for testing. -d Print debugging information. Repeating this option more than once yields more detailed information. -D debugfile Print the debug information to debugfile instead of to the standard output. -u User versus user. This is mostly used for testing. AUTHOR
The board display routines were based on the goref program written by Peter Langston. BSD
August 4, 1994 BSD
Man Page

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