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mailer.conf(5) [netbsd man page]

MAILER.CONF(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						    MAILER.CONF(5)

mailer.conf -- configuration file for mailwrapper(8) DESCRIPTION
The file /etc/mailer.conf contains a series of lines of the form name program [arguments ...] The first word of each line is the name of a program invoking mailwrapper(8). (For example, on a typical system /usr/sbin/sendmail would be a symbolic link to mailwrapper(8), as would newaliases(1) and mailq(1). Thus, name might be ``sendmail'' or ``newaliases'' etc.) The second word of each line is the name of the program to actually execute when the first name is invoked. The further arguments, if any, are passed to the program, followed by the arguments mailwrapper(8) was called with. The file may also contain comment lines, denoted by a '#' mark in the first column of any line. The default mailer is postfix(1), which will also start by default (unless specifically disabled via an rc.conf(5) setting) so that locally generated mail can be delivered, if the ``sendmail'' setting in /etc/mailer.conf is set to ``/usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail''. FILES
/etc/mailer.conf EXAMPLES
This example shows how to set up mailer.conf to invoke the postfix(1) program: sendmail /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail mailq /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail newaliases /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail This example shows the use of the mini-sendmail package from pkgsrc in place of postfix(1): # Send outgoing mail to a smart relay using mini-sendmail sendmail /usr/pkg/sbin/mini-sendmail -srelayhost send-mail /usr/pkg/sbin/mini-sendmail -srelayhost Note the use of additional arguments. SEE ALSO
mail(1), mailq(1), newaliases(1), postfix(1), mailwrapper(8) pkgsrc/mail/sendmail, pkgsrc/mail/mini_sendmail HISTORY
mailer.conf appeared in NetBSD 1.4. AUTHORS
Perry E. Metzger <> BUGS
The entire reason this program exists is a crock. Instead, a command for how to submit mail should be standardized, and all the ``behave differently if invoked with a different name'' behavior of things like mailq(1) should go away. BSD
April 10, 2010 BSD

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MAILSTATS(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      MAILSTATS(8)

mailstats - display mail statistics SYNOPSIS
mailstats [-c] [-o] [-p] [-P] [-C cffile] [-f stfile] DESCRIPTION
The mailstats utility displays the current mail statistics. First, the time at which statistics started being kept is displayed, in the format specified by ctime(3). Then, the statistics for each mailer are displayed on a single line, each with the following white space separated fields: M The mailer number. msgsfr Number of messages from the mailer. bytes_from Kbytes from the mailer. msgsto Number of messages to the mailer. bytes_to Kbytes to the mailer. msgsrej Number of messages rejected. msgsdis Number of messages discarded. msgsqur Number of messages quarantined. Mailer The name of the mailer. After this display, a line totaling the values for all of the mailers is displayed (preceded with a ``T''), separated from the previous information by a line containing only equals (``='') characters. Another line preceded with a ``C'' lists the number of TCP connections. The options are as follows: -C Read the specified file instead of the default sendmail configuration file. -c Try to use instead of the default sendmail configuration file. -f Read the specified statistics file instead of the statistics file specified in the sendmail configuration file. -P Output information in program-readable mode without clearing statistics. -p Output information in program-readable mode and clear statistics. -o Don't display the name of the mailer in the output. The mailstats utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. FILES
/etc/mail/ The default sendmail configuration file. /var/lib/sendmail/statistics The default sendmail statistics file. /etc/mail/statistics The symbolic link to the statistics file. SEE ALSO
mailq(1), sendmail(8) $Date: 2002/06/27 22:47:29 $ MAILSTATS(8)
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