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ipsec.conf(5) [netbsd man page]

IPSEC.CONF(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						     IPSEC.CONF(5)

ipsec.conf -- static IPsec configuration read at system startup DESCRIPTION
The ipsec.conf file is read at system startup time if ipsec is set to ``yes'' in rc.conf(5). setkey(8) is run with the -f option to load in IPsec manual keys and policies from /etc/ipsec.conf at boot time, before any interfaces are configured. Please see the setkey(8) manpage for all the commands available. FILES
/etc/ipsec.conf The file ipsec.conf resides in /etc. SEE ALSO
ipsec(4), setkey(8) HISTORY
The ipsec.conf file appeared in NetBSD 1.5. BSD
February 19, 2001 BSD

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_STACKMANAGER(8)						Executable programs						  _STACKMANAGER(8)

ipsec__stackmanager - internal script to bring up kernel components for Libreswan SYNOPSIS
ipsec _stackmanager start ipsec _stackmanager stop DESCRIPTION
ipsec _stackmanager is called from within the init sub-system (systemd, upstart, sysv initscripts) to bring up the Libreswan kernel component as configured via the protostack= option in the ipsec.confi configuration file. This involves loading and optionally unloading of the required kernel modules. Because the Linux kernel cannot autodetect most crypto related drivers on-demand, _stackmanager handles loading the hardware random number (RNG) device drivers, OpenBSD/FreeBSD Cryptographic Framework (OCF) drivers, CryptoAPI drivers, and the modules for the specific stack (Linux NETKEY/XFM or KLIPS/MAST). Probing for OCF supported hardware is not supported - those modules must be loaded by the system before the start of the Libreswan sub system. SEE ALSO
ip(8), ipsec_tncfg(8), ipsec.conf(5), ipsec_addconn(8), pluto(8) HISTORY
This script was introduced in Libreswan. On the older Openswan systems, this functionality was split over various script files such as ipsec _startnetkey, ipsec _startklips, ipsec _realsetup and ipsec setup. Man page written for the Libreswan project <> by Paul Wouters. AUTHOR
Paul Wouters placeholder to suppress warning libreswan 12/16/2012 _STACKMANAGER(8)
Man Page

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