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GENASSYM.CF(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						    GENASSYM.CF(5)

NAME -- assym.h definition file DESCRIPTION
The file is used by genassym(1) to make constant C expressions known to assembler source files. Lines starting with '#' are dis- carded by genassym(1). Lines starting with include, ifdef, if, else or endif are preceded with '#' and passed otherwise unmodified to the C compiler. Lines starting with quote get passed on with the quote command removed. The first word after a define command is taken as a CPP identifier and the rest of the line has to be a constant C expression. The output of genassym(1) will assign the numerical value of this expression to the CPP identifier. export X is a shorthand for define X X. struct X remembers X for the member command and does a define X_SIZEOF sizeof(X). member X does a define X offsetof(<last struct>, X). config <ctype> <gcc constraint> <asm print modifier> can be used to customize the output of genassym(1). When producing C output, values are casted to <ctype> (default: long) before they get handed to printf. <gcc constraint> (default: n) is the constraint used in the __asm__ statements. <asm print modifier> (default: empty) can be used to force gcc to output operands in different ways then normal. The "a" modifier e.g. stops gcc from emitting immediate prefixes in front of con- stants for the i386 and m68k port. FILES
/usr/src/sys/arch/${MACHINE}/${MACHINE}/ SEE ALSO
genassym(1) HISTORY
The file appeared in NetBSD 1.3. BSD
August 18, 2005 BSD

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cxref-cpp(1)						      General Commands Manual						      cxref-cpp(1)

cxref-cpp - A modified C preprocessor to use with cxref. SYNOPSIS
cxref-cpp ... DESCRIPTION
To improve the output that is available for the source code for cross-referencing a modified version of the GNU CPP v2.7.2 is supplied (named cxref-cpp). This modified C preprocessor allows for a finer control over some features of the preprocessing that are not important for a compiler. In a standard preprocessor, the preprocessor directives are intended for use only by the preprocessor, so passing the information through is not important. With cxref-cpp, there are some features that are different to the standard GNU CPP: Compared to gcc versions earlier than version 2.8.0 there is an extra option that will output the #include lines from the source file. In version 2.8.0 and later this option is present. Comments trailing a #include or a #define are not preserved by all versions of gcc even if the -C option is used. This is not important while compiling, but is useful for documenting. The cxref-cpp program will take on the personality of the installed version of gcc so that the gcc header files can be parsed. This means that it includes the same default include directory paths and macro definitions. The file that contains these definitions is called cxref-cpp.defines and is installed by the cxref-cpp-configure program or specified by the -cxref-cpp-defines command line option. OPTIONS
The same as for gcc, apart from '-cxref-cpp-defines' described above. SEE ALSO
cxref(1), cxref-cpp-configure(1), gcc(1) May 9, 2004 cxref-cpp(1)
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