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tfb(4) [netbsd man page]

TFB(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    TFB(4)

tfb -- PMAG-J and PMAGB-J TX colour unaccelerated 2-D framebuffer SYNOPSIS
tfb* at tc? slot ? offset ? wsdisplay* at tfb? DESCRIPTION
The tfb driver provides support for the PMAG-J and PMAGB-J TX colour framebuffer for the TURBOchannel bus. The PMAG-J is an 8 bpp or 24 bpp colour framebuffer capable of running at a resolution of 1280-by-1024 at 66 Hz. The PMAGB-J is an 8 bpp or 24 bpp colour framebuffer capable of running at a resolution of 1280-by-1024 at 72 Hz. SEE ALSO
cfb(4), mfb(4), px(4), pxg(4), sfb(4), tc(4), wscons(4) BUGS
NetBSD/pmax does not currently support the machine-independent wscons(4) interface and uses a machine-dependent version. BSD
September 14, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

TC(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     TC(4)

tc -- TURBOchannel expansion bus driver SYNOPSIS
alpha tc* at tcasic? pmax tc* at mainbus0 DESCRIPTION
The tc driver provides machine-independent support for the DEC TURBOchannel expansion bus found on all DEC 5000-series machines with MIPS and DEC 3000-series with Alpha processors. Your system may support additional TURBOchannel devices. Drivers for TURBOchannel devices not listed here are machine-dependent. Consult your system's intro(4) for additional information. HARDWARE
NetBSD includes machine-independent TURBOchannel drivers, sorted by device type and driver name: SCSI interfaces asc PMAZ-A single-channel SCSI adapter tcds PMAZ-DS, PMAZ-FS, PMAZB-AA and PMAZC-AA dual-channel SCSI adapters Network interfaces fta PMAF-F DEFTA FDDI controller le LANCE Ethernet interface Frame buffers cfb PMAG-B CX colour unaccelerated 2-D framebuffer mfb PMAG-A MX monochrome framebuffer px PMAG-C PX accelerated graphics boards pxg PMAG-D, PMAG-E and PMAG-F PXG accelerated graphics boards sfb PMAGB-BA HX colour unaccelerated 2-D framebuffer tfb PMAG-J TX 24-bit colour unaccelerated 2-D framebuffer Miscellaneous ioasic baseboard IO control ASIC for DEC TURBOchannel systems SEE ALSO
asc(4), cfb(4), fta(4), intro(4), ioasic(4), le(4), mfb(4), px(4), pxg(4), sfb(4), tcds(4), tfb(4) HISTORY
The tc driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.1. BUGS
The tc driver makes poor use of interrupt priority on the 5000/1xx series systems. BSD
September 12, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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