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shmif(4) [netbsd man page]

SHMIF(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						  SHMIF(4)

shmif -- rump shared memory network interface SYNOPSIS
#include <rump/rump.h> int rump_pub_shmif_create(const char *path, int *ifnum); DESCRIPTION
The shmif interface uses a memory mapped regular file as a virtual Ethernet bus. All interfaces connected to the same bus see each others' traffic. Using a memory mapped regular file as a bus has two implications: 1. The bus identifier is not in flat global namespace. 2. Configuring and using the interface is possible without superuser privileges on the host (normal host file access permissions for the bus hold). It is not possible to directly access the host networking facilities from a rump virtual kernel using purely shmif. However, traffic can be routed to another rump kernel instance which provides both shmif and virt(4) networking. An shmif interface can be created in two ways: o Programmatically by calling rump_pub_shmif_create(). The bus pathname is passed in path. The number of the newly created interface is available after a successful call by dereferencing ifnum. o Dynamically at runtime with ifconfig(8) or equivalent using the create command. In this case the bus path must be configured with ifconfig(8) linkstr before the interface address can be configured. Destroying an shmif interface is possible only via ifconfig(8) destroy. SEE ALSO
rump(3), virt(4), ifconfig(8) BSD
November 17, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

VIRT(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   VIRT(4)

virt -- rump virtual network interface SYNOPSIS
#include <rump/rump.h> int rump_pub_virtif_create(int num); DESCRIPTION
The virt interface acts as a link between a rump virtual kernel and a host tap(4) interface. Interface number <n> always corresponds with the host tap interface tap<n>. All data sent by virt is written into /dev/tap<n> and all data read from /dev/tap<n> is passed as Ethernet input to the rump virtual kernel. A virt interface can be created in two ways: o Programmatically by calling rump_pub_virtif_create(). o Dynamically at runtime with ifconfig(8) or equivalent using the create command. Destroying a virt interface is possible only through ifconfig(8) destroy. The host's tap(4) interface can be further bridged with hardware interfaces to provide full Internet access to a rump kernel. SEE ALSO
rump(3), bridge(4), tap(4), brconfig(8), ifconfig(8) BSD
November 15, 2010 BSD
Man Page

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