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nca(4) [netbsd man page]

NCA(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    NCA(4)

nca -- NCR-5380/NCR-53C400 SCSI driver SYNOPSIS
nca0 at isa? port 0x360 irq 15 # Port-mapped NCR 53C80 controller nca1 at isa? iomem 0xd8000 irq 5 # Memory-mapped controller (T128...) nca* at pci? dev ? function ? # Domex 536 (DMX-3191D) scsibus* at nca? DESCRIPTION
The nca driver provides support for the NCR-5380/NCR-53C400 SCSI controllers. SEE ALSO
isa(4), pci(4), scsi(4) HISTORY
The nca driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. Domex 536 support appeared in NetBSD 6.0. BSD
April 1, 2010 BSD

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nca.if(4)							   File Formats 							 nca.if(4)

nca.if - the NCA configuration file that specifies physical interfaces SYNOPSIS
/etc/nca/nca.if DESCRIPTION
Specify the physical interfaces for which the Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator ("NCA") feature will be configured in the nca.if con- figuration file. List the physical interfaces in the file, one per line. To configure NCA to listen on all physical interfaces present on the system backed by a hostname.{interface_name}, then list only an asterik ("*") in nca.if. When the ncakmod(1) initialization script is invoked during system boot, it will attempt to configure each physical interface specified in the nca.if file by using ncaconfd(1M). Note that there must be an accompanying hostname.{interface_name} file and an entry in /etc/hosts for the contents of hostname.{interface_name}. You must reboot in order to implement changes to the nca.if file. EXAMPLES
x86 Example 1: nca.if on x86 The following is an example of an nca.if file that would be used on an x86 system: iprb1 iprb6 iprb8 SPARC Example 2: nca.if on SPARC The following is an example of an nca.if file that would be used on a SPARC system: hme2 hme3 hme4 All Platforms Example 3: Configuring NCA to Listen on All Physical Interfaces The following example shows the contents of an nca.if file that would be used to configure either platform to listen on all physical inter- faces present on the system: * FILES
/etc/nca/nca.if Lists the physical interfaces on which NCA will run. /etc/hostname.{}{0-9} Lists all physical interfaces configured on the server. /etc/hosts Lists all host names associated with the server. Entries in this file must match with entries in /etc/host- name.{}{0-9} for NCA to function. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWncar | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
nca(1), ncab2clf(1), ncakmod(1), ifconfig(1M), ncakmod.conf(4), ncalogd.conf(4), attributes(5) System Administration Guide: IP Services SunOS 5.10 18 Feb 2003 nca.if(4)
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