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kloader(4) [netbsd man page]

KLOADER(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						KLOADER(4)

kloader -- in-kernel bootloader SYNOPSIS
The kloader is the in-kernel bootloader for platforms that do not have a proper firmware. Some platforms supported by NetBSD do not have a firmware that can boot the NetBSD kernel. Examples are game consoles (dreamcast port), and handhelds (hpcarm, hpcmips, and hpcsh ports). On such platforms the bootloader is usually a host program that runs under the native OS. This means that rebooting NetBSD is a lengthy process of booting into the native OS first, launching the bootloader program, and finally booting NetBSD again. This problem is addressed by kloader, which allows the currently running kernel to serve as a bootloader for the ker- nel being booted, thus avoiding the burden of booting into the native OS first. When kloader is configured into the kernel, a call to reboot(2) causes the kloader to load the new kernel into memory, and arrange for con- trol to be passed to the new kernel -- just like a standalone bootloader does. The new kernel then boots in the ordinary manner. SEE ALSO
reboot(2), boot(8), reboot(8) HISTORY
kloader first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. BUGS
kloader ignores howto and bootstr arguments passed to the reboot(2) system call, and reboots the system with the previous boot settings. kloader doesn't support booting compressed kernels. The hpcarm port doesn't support kloader yet. BSD
April 3, 2004 BSD

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HPCBOOT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						HPCBOOT(8)

hpcboot -- load and boot kernel from Windows CE SYNOPSIS
hpcboot.exe DESCRIPTION
hpcboot is a program that runs on Windows CE. It loads and executes the specified NetBSD kernel. hpcboot supports hpcarm, hpcmips, and hpcsh ports. Click on the ``Boot'' button to start the boot process with selected options. Click on the ``Cancel'' button to exit hpcboot. ``Kernel'' Tab On this tab you can select the kernel to boot and options to pass to the kernel. Directory In this combobox you specify the ``current'' directory. The kernel and miniroot image pathnames are taken to be relative to this direc- tory. hpcboot can load kernel and miniroot from FAT and UFS filesystems, and via HTTP. Kernel In this text field you specify the name of the kernel to load. Kernels compressed with gzip(1) are supported. Model Select your H/PC model in this combobox. Root File System This group of controls lets you specify the desired root file system type. You can select wd(4), sd(4), md(4), and NFS root. If you select md(4) memory disk root file system, you should specify the path name of the file system image in the text field below. Miniroot images compressed with gzip(1) are supported. Kernel Boot Flags This group of controls is used to pass boot flags to the kernel. ``Option'' Tab On this tab you can specify miscellaneous options that mostly control the hpcboot program itself. Auto Boot If this option is selected hpcboot will automatically boot NetBSD after the specified timeout. Reverse Video Tells kernel if it should use the framebuffer in reverse video mode. Pause Before Boot If selected, a warning dialog will be presented before anything is done, right after the ``Boot'' button is pressed. Load Debug Info This option currently does nothing. Safety Message If selected, a warning dialog will be presented after the kernel has been loaded and prepared to be started. This will be your last chance to cancel the boot. Extra Kernel Options In this text field you can specify additional options to pass to the kernel. ``Console'' Tab This tab gets its name from the big text area that hpcboot uses as the ``console'' to report its progress. Save To File If checked, the progress log will be sent to the specified file instead. ``Checkboxes Anonymous'' The row of 8 checkboxes controls debugging options for hpcboot itself. They control the bits of an internal variable, the leftmost checkbox being the 7th bit. ``Buttons Anonymous'' The buttons ``a'' to ``d'' control 4 ``hooks'' a developer might want to use during hpcboot development. SEE ALSO
kloader(4), boot(8) HISTORY
The hpcboot utility first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. BUGS
hpcboot reads the entire kernel image at once, and requires enough free area on the main memory. BSD
April 3, 2004 BSD
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