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cz(4) [netbsd man page]

CZ(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     CZ(4)

cz -- Cyclades-Z series multi-port serial adapter device driver SYNOPSIS
cz* at pci? dev ? function ? DESCRIPTION
The cz device driver supports the Cyclades-Z series of multi-port serial adapters. The Cyclades-Z is an intelligent serial controller com- prising: o PLX9060ES PCI bus interface o Xilinx XC5204 FPGA o IDT R3052 MIPS CPU The MIPS CPU runs firmware provided by the device driver. Communication with the MIPS is performed by modifying data structures located in board local RAM or host RAM. The Cyclades-Z comes in three basic flavors: o Cyclades-8Zo rev. 1 -- This is an older 8-port board with no FPGA. The serial ports are provided by an octopus cable. o Cyclades-8Zo rev. 2 -- This is the newer 8-port board. The serial ports are provided by an octopus cable. o Cyclades-Ze -- This is the expandable version of the Cyclades-Z. It uses an HD-50 SCSI cable to connect the board to a 1U rack mountable serial expansion box. Each box has 16 RJ45 serial ports, and up to 4 boxes may be chained together, for a total of 64 ports. Boxes 3 and 4 require their own external power supply, otherwise the firmware will refuse to start (as it cannot communi- cate with the UARTs in those boxes). The Cyclades-Z has several features to improve performance under high serial I/O load: o The board may operate in interrupt-driven mode or polled mode to reduce interrupt load. o Each channel has a large input and output buffer. o Each channel may be programmed to generate an interrupt based on reception of a specific character, e.g. a PPP End-Of-Frame charac- ter. o The MIPS CPU on the board performs all flow-control handling. FILES
/dev/ttyCZnnnn -- dial-in (normal) TTY device /dev/dtyCZnnnn -- dial-out TTY device SEE ALSO
pci(4), termios(4), tty(4) HISTORY
The cz driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. AUTHORS
The cz driver was written by Jason R. Thorpe <> and Bill Studenmund <> of Zembu Labs, Inc. BUGS
The cz driver does not currently implement communication via host RAM. While this may improve performance by reducing the number of PCI mem- ory space read/write cycles, it is not straightforward to implement with the current bus_dma(9) API. Interrupt mode has not been tested. There is no support for reading or writing the EEPROM connected to the PLX PCI bus controller. BSD
May 17, 2000 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

cyclades-devices(5)													       cyclades-devices(5)

cyclades-devices - tables for driving cyclades-serial-client DESCRIPTION
The cyclades-devices file supplies all mapping between Unix device files (/dev/*) and the addresses of serial ports of Cyclades Terminal Servers. It contains one entry for each serial port, with the following format: device:rastype:rasname:physport:type:options Note: A # character at beginning of line indicates a comment The entry fields are: devname - A full pathname of the file that will be associated to the serial port. It must start with a "/dev/" preffix. Two naming schemes may be used here: - devname does not exist, and will be linked to a free pseudo-tty. This is the default behavior of cyclades-ser- cli. - devname is the name of a valid slave pseudo-tty. In this case, the '-t 1' option must be assigned in options field. (Note: this option is not supported by this release). rastype - Terminal Server type: - prts, for Cyclades Pr302X/TS Terminal Servers. - path, for Cyclades PathRAS Terminal Server. rasname - Host Name or IP Address of the Terminal Server where the serial port resides. physport - Number of physical port in the Terminal Server. If treated as the IP address associated with this port, in a IP-based addressing scheme. type - Server type that will be contacted to handle the serial port: - rtelnet, for Remote Telnet Server - socket, for Socket Server options - Per-port specific options, passed to cyclades-ser-cli program. EXAMPLES
1. Device on a PR3020/TS Terminal Server pr3k Port 1, accessed through /dev/ctty01 device file name, using telnet protocol (remote telnet server) /dev/ctty01:prts:pr3k:1:rtelnet: 2. The same device, but with an IP address pr3k_port1 associated to the serial port (IP-based port addressing) /dev/ctty01:prts:pr3k_port1:0:rtelnet: 3. Device on a PathRAS Terminal Server pr3k Port 2, accessed through /dev/ctty02 device file name, using socket protocol (socket server) /dev/ctty02:path:pr3k:2:socket: FILES
/etc/cyclades-devices This file SEE ALSO
cyclades-serial-client(1), cyclades-ser-cli(1) cyclades-devices(5)
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