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cac(4) [netbsd man page]

CAC(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    CAC(4)

cac -- Compaq array controller driver SYNOPSIS
cac* at eisa? slot ? cac* at pci? dev ? function ? DESCRIPTION
The cac driver provides basic message passing and DMA support for Compaq array controllers. Disk arrays are supported by the ld driver. HARDWARE
The cac driver provides support for the following controllers: Compaq Integrated Array Compaq IAES Compaq IDA Compaq IDA-2 Compaq RAID LC2 Compaq Smart Array 221 Compaq Smart Array 3100ES Compaq Smart Array 3200 Compaq Smart Array 4200 Compaq Smart Array 4250ES Compaq Smart Array 431 Compaq SMART Compaq SMART-2/E Compaq SMART-2/P Compaq SMART-2DH Compaq SMART-2SL SEE ALSO
intro(4), ld(4) HISTORY
The cac driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. BSD
October 17, 2000 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

TL(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     TL(4)

tl -- Ethernet driver for Texas Instruments ThunderLAN based board SYNOPSIS
tl* at pci? dev ? function ? Configuration of PHYs is necessary. See mii(4). DESCRIPTION
The tl device driver supports network adapters based on the Texas Instruments ThunderLAN chip. HARDWARE
Supported cards include: Compaq Netelligent in baseboard and PCI variants (10BASE-T-only variant untested). Compaq NetFlex 3/P in baseboard variant only (the PCI variant doesn't use the same chip!). It Baseboard Compaq Deskpro 4000 5233MMX Ethernet (This has been tested on the Deskpro 4000M only). TI TravelMate 5000 series laptop docking station's Ethernet board. MEDIA SELECTION
The different models of the supported boards come with some subset of RJ-45, BNC and AUI connectors. Media selection is done using ifconfig(8) using the standard ifmedia(4) mechanism. Refer to those manual pages for more information. The tl driver doesn't have full automatic media selection. By default it will do an Nway (IEEE 802.3u) negotiation on the 10BASE-T port for the speed and duplex mode with the link partner. If the AUI or BNC port is used, an explicit media type must be specified to ifconfig(8). SEE ALSO
ifmedia(4), mii(4), netintro(4), pci(4), ifconfig(8) BUGS
The board marked as untested will always claim having an AUI connector, where it may be a BNC one. BSD
May 16, 2009 BSD
Man Page

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