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bba(4) [netbsd man page]

BBA(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    BBA(4)

bba -- IOASIC Baseboard Audio device driver SYNOPSIS
bba0 at ioasic? offset ? audio* at audiobus? DESCRIPTION
The bba driver provides support for the IOASIC baseboard audio found on DEC 3000/300, 3000/500 (NetBSD/alpha) and DEC Personal DECstation (NetBSD/pmax) systems. The baseboard audio driver is based on the AMD 79c30 ISDN and audio interface. The interface is only capable of playing and recording 8kHz mu-law audio. SEE ALSO
audio(4), ioasic(4) HISTORY
The bba device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.5. The name for the driver was adopted from the same driver in ULTRIX. BSD
June 22, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

ESO(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    ESO(4)

eso -- ESS Technology Solo-1 PCI AudioDrive audio device driver SYNOPSIS
eso* at pci? dev ? function ? audio* at audiobus? joy* at eso? mpu* at eso? opl* at eso? DESCRIPTION
The eso device driver supports sound cards based on ESS Technology Solo-1 PCI AudioDrive chips (ES1938 and ES1946), e.g. the TerraTec 128i PCI card. DIAGNOSTICS
eso0: can't map Audio 1 DMA into I/O space PCI autoconfiguration did not map the first audio channel DMA controller into I/O space at a suitable address, and the driver was not able map it by itself. In that case only playback functionality will be available. eso0: reset timeout The device failed to acknowledge being reset. eso0: RDR timeout The driver timed out reading data from a controller register. eso0: WDR timeout The driver timed out waiting to send a command or writing to a controller register. SEE ALSO
audio(4), joy(4), mpu(4), opl(4), pci(4) HISTORY
The eso device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.5. The on-board gameport was first supported in NetBSD 1.6. BSD
June 22, 2005 BSD
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