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ac97(4) [netbsd man page]

AC97(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   AC97(4)

ac97 -- generic AC97 codec driver DESCRIPTION
AC97 codecs contain the analog-to-digital (A/D), digital-to-analog (D/A), and mixing circuitry of many modern sound cards. AC97 codecs, for the most part, do not talk to host busses like the PCI bus directly. Instead, they communicate through an interface chip, called the host controller. The Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (see eap(4)) is an example of such a host controller. Unlike many drivers, the ac97 driver does not appear in the configuration file. Instead, the driver is automatically attached by the drivers that require it. SEE ALSO
auacer(4), auich(4), auixp(4), autri(4), auvia(4), clcs(4), clct(4), eap(4), emuxki(4), esa(4), esm(4), fms(4), neo(4), yds(4) BUGS
The ac97 driver does not keep track of the current user settings and instead relies on the hardware to do this. The ac97 driver could do more to detect mixer channels that don't work and cull them from the list. BSD
October 7, 1999 BSD

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SND_CSA(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						SND_CSA(4)

snd_csa -- Crystal Semiconductor CS461x/462x/4280 PCI bridge device driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device sound device snd_csa Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): snd_csa_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The snd_csa bridge driver allows the generic audio driver sound(4) to attach to Crystal Semiconductor CS461x/462x/4280 based sound cards. HARDWARE
The snd_csa driver supports the following sound cards: o Crystal Semiconductor CS4280 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4610 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4611 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4614 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4615 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4622 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4624 o Crystal Semiconductor CS4630 o Genius Soundmaker 128 Value o Hercules Game Theatre XP o Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Some onboard CS4610 chips are accompanied by the CS423x ISA codec instead of the CS4297 AC97 codec. Such configurations are not supported by the snd_csa driver yet. SEE ALSO
sound(4) HISTORY
The snd_csa device driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
Seigo Tanimura <> BSD
December 15, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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