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aac(4) [netbsd man page]

AAC(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    AAC(4)

aac -- Adaptec AdvancedRAID Controller driver SYNOPSIS
aac* at pci? dev ? function ? ld* at aac? unit ? DESCRIPTION
The aac driver provides support for the Adaptec AAC family of SCSI and SATA RAID controllers. These controllers support RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, and volume sets. They have four channels in the add-in version or 1-2 channels in the motherboard integrated version, and are most often found rebadged by Dell, Hewlett-Packard or IBM. Supported controllers include: o Adaptec AAC-364 o Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S o Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S o Adaptec SATA RAID 2410SA o Adaptec SATA RAID 3405 o Adaptec SCSI RAID 5400S o Dell PERC 2/Si o Dell PERC 2/QC o Dell PERC 3/Di o Dell PERC 3/Si o Dell PERC 320/DC o Dell CERC SATA RAID 1.5/6ch o HP NetRAID 4M o HP ML110 G2 (Adaptec SATA RAID 2610SA) o IBM ServeRAID 8k Access to RAID containers is available via the ld device driver. Individual drives cannot be accessed unless they are part of a container or volume set, and non-fixed disks cannot be accessed. Containers can be configured by using the on-board BIOS utility of the card. DIAGNOSTICS
The adapter can send status and alert messages asynchronously to the driver. These messages are printed on the system console. SEE ALSO
intro(4), ld(4) HISTORY
The aac driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.6, and was based on the FreeBSD driver of the same name. BUGS
This driver is not compatible with controllers that have version 1.x firmware. The firmware version is the same as the kernel version printed in the BIOS POST and driver attach messages. BSD
February 19, 2011 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

MFI(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    MFI(4)

mfi -- LSI Logic & Dell MegaRAID SAS RAID controller SYNOPSIS
mfi* at pci? dev ? function ? DESCRIPTION
The mfi driver provides support for the MegaRAID SAS family of RAID controllers, including: - Dell PERC 5/e, PERC 5/i, PERC 6/e, PERC 6/i - Intel RAID Controller SRCSAS18E, SRCSAS144E - LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS 8208ELP, MegaRAID SAS 8208XLP, MegaRAID SAS 8300XLP, MegaRAID SAS 8308ELP, MegaRAID SAS 8344ELP, MegaRAID SAS 8408E, MegaRAID SAS 8480E, MegaRAID SAS 8708ELP, MegaRAID SAS 8888ELP, MegaRAID SAS 8880EM2, MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i - IBM ServeRAID M1015, ServeRAID M5014 These controllers support RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10, RAID 50 and RAID 60 using either SAS or SATA II drives. Although the controllers are actual RAID controllers, the driver makes them look just like SCSI controllers. All RAID configuration is done through the controllers' BIOSes. mfi supports monitoring of the logical disks in the controller through the bioctl(8) and envstat(8) commands. EVENTS
The mfi driver is able to send events to powerd(8) if a logical drive in the controller is not online. The state-changed event will be sent to the /etc/powerd/scripts/sensor_drive script when such condition happens. SEE ALSO
intro(4), pci(4), scsi(4), sd(4), bioctl(8), envstat(8), powerd(8) HISTORY
The mfi driver first appeared in NetBSD 4.0. BSD
March 22, 2012 BSD
Man Page

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