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puffs_path(3) [netbsd man page]

PUFFS_PATH(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     PUFFS_PATH(3)

puffs_path -- puffs pathbuilding routines LIBRARY
puffs Convenience Library (libpuffs, -lpuffs) SYNOPSIS
#include <puffs.h> int pu_pathbuild_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, const struct puffs_pathobj *po_dir, const struct puffs_pathobj *po_comp, size_t offset, struct puffs_pathobj *po_new); int pu_pathtransform_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, const struct puffs_pathobj *po_base, const struct puffs_cn *pcn, struct puffs_pathobj *po_new); int pu_pathcmp_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, struct puffs_pathobj *po1, struct puffs_pathobj *po2, size_t checklen, int checkprefix); void pu_pathfree_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, struct puffs_pathobj *po); int pu_namemod_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, struct puffs_pathobj *po_dir, struct puffs_cn *pcn); struct puffs_pathobj * puffs_getrootpathobj(struct puffs_usermount *pu); DESCRIPTION
The puffs library has the ability to provide full pathnames for backends which require them. Normal file systems should be constructed with- out the file system node tied to a file name and should not used routines described herein. An example of a file system where the backend requires filenames is mount_psshfs(8). The features described here are enabled by passing PUFFS_FLAG_BUILDPATH to puffs_init(). This facility requires to use puffs nodes to store the contents of the pathname. Either the address of the operation cookie must directly be that of the puffs node, or puffs_set_cmap() must be used to set a mapping function from the cookie to the puffs node associated with the cookie. Finally, the root node for the file system must be set using puffs_setroot() and the root path object retrieved using puffs_getrootpathobj() and initialized. There are two different places a filename can be retrieved from. It is available for each puffs node after the node has been registered with the framework, i.e. after the routine creating the node returns. In other words, there is a window between the node is created and when the pathname is available and multithreaded file systems must take this into account. The second place where a pathname is available is from the componentname struct puffs_pcn in operations which are passed one. These can be retrieved using the convenience macros PNPATH() and PCNPATH() for node and componentname, respectively. The type of object they return is void *. By default the framework manages "regular" filenames, which consist of directory names separated by "/" and a final component. If the file system wishes to use pathnames of this format, all it has to do it enable the feature. Everything else, including bookkeeping for node and directory renames, is done by the library. The callback routines described next provide the ability to build non-standard pathnames. A pu_foo_fn() callback is set using the puffs_set_foo() routine. This manual page is still unfinished. Please take a number and wait in line. SEE ALSO
puffs(3), puffs_node(3), mount_psshfs(8), mount_sysctlfs(8) BSD
December 27, 2007 BSD

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P2K(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						    P2K(3)

p2k -- puffs to kernel vfs translation library LIBRARY
p2k Library (libp2k, -lp2k) SYNOPSIS
#include <rump/p2k.h> struct p2k_mount * p2k_init(uint32_t puffs_flags); void p2k_cancel(struct p2k_mount *p2m, int error); int p2k_setup_fs(struct p2k_mount *p2m, const char *vfsname, const char *devpath, const char *mountpath, int mntflags, void *arg, size_t alen); p2k_setup_diskfs(struct p2k_mount *p2m, const char *vfsname, const char *devpath, int partition, const char *mountpath, int mntflags, void *arg, size_t alen); int p2k_mainloop(struct p2k_mount *p2m); int p2k_run_fs(const char *vfsname, const char *devpath, const char *mountpath, int mntflags, void *arg, size_t alen, uint32_t puffs_flags); int p2k_run_diskfs(const char *vfsname, const char *devpath, int partition, const char *mountpath, int mntflags, void *arg, size_t alen, uint32_t puffs_flags); DESCRIPTION
The p2k library translates the puffs protocol to the kernel vfs(9) protocol and back again. It can therefore be used to mount and run kernel file system code as a userspace daemon. Calling the library interface function mounts the file system and, if succesful, starts handling requests. The parameters are handled by ukfs_mount() (see ukfs(3)), with the exception that mountpath and puffs_flags are handled by puffs(3). The "run_fs" variants of the inter- faces are provided as a convenience for the common case. They execute all of init, setup and mainloop in one call. ENVIRONMENT
The following environment variables affect the behaviour of p2k. They are useful mostly for debugging purposes. The flags are environment variables because typically the command line arguments to p2k utilities are parsed using versions not aware of p2k options; for example, the rump_cd9660(8) arguments are really parsed by mount_cd9660(8). P2K_DEBUG Do not detach from tty and print information about each puffs operation. In case the daemon receives SIGINFO (typically from ctrl-T), it dumps out the status of the mount point. Sending SIGUSR1 causes a dump of all the vnodes (verbose). P2K_NODETACH Do not detach from tty. P2K_NOCACHE_PAGE Do not use the puffs page cache. P2K_NOCACHE_NAME Do not use the puffs name cache. P2K_NOCACHE Do not use the puffs page or name cache. P2K_WIZARDUID If set, use the value of the variable to determine the UID of the caller of each operation instead of the actual caller supplied by puffs(3). This can be used for example to simplify modifying an OS installation's root image as a non-root user. SEE ALSO
puffs(3), rump(3), ukfs(3), rump_cd9660(8), rump_efs(8), rump_ext2fs(8), rump_ffs(8), rump_hfs(8), rump_lfs(8), rump_msdos(8), rump_nfs(8), rump_ntfs(8), rump_smbfs(8), rump_syspuffs(8), rump_sysvbfs(8), rump_tmpfs(8), rump_udf(8) BSD
January 7, 2011 BSD
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