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libiscsi(3) [netbsd man page]

LIBISCSI(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       LIBISCSI(3)

libiscsi -- iSCSI network storage protocol implementation LIBRARY
iSCSI protocol library (libiscsi, -liscsi) SYNOPSIS
#include <iscsi.h> int iscsi_target_set_defaults(iscsi_target_t *target); int iscsi_target_start(iscsi_target_t *target); int iscsi_target_listen(iscsi_target_t *target); int iscsi_target_shutdown(iscsi_target_t *target); void iscsi_target_write_pidfile(const char *filename); int iscsi_target_setvar(iscsi_target_t *target, const char *name, const char *value); char * iscsi_target_getvar(iscsi_target_t *target, const char *name); int iscsi_initiator_set_defaults(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator); int iscsi_initiator_start(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator); int iscsi_initiator_discover(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator, char *x, uint64_t a, int b); int iscsi_initiator_shutdown(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator); int iscsi_initiator_setvar(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator, const char *name, const char *value); char * iscsi_initiator_getvar(iscsi_initiator_t *initiator, const char *name); DESCRIPTION
libiscsi is a library interface to the iSCSI target and initiator. This conforms to IETF RFC 3720. The corresponding command line utilities for libiscsi are iscsi-initiator(8) and iscsi-target(8). In normal operation, a process acting as a target (i.e. presenting storage to the network) will call iscsi_target_set_defaults() and will then set various values using the iscsi_target_setvar() function. The value of a variable can be retrieved at any time using the iscsi_target_getvar() function. When all of the variables have been set, the iscsi_target_start() function is called, and the block storage will be served up by the process. A useful illustration of the use of these functions can be found in the source code to the iscsi-target(8) utility. The libiscsi library also provides an implementation of the client end of the iSCSI subsystem, which is known as the initiator. The process acting as an initiator will first call the iscsi_initiator_set_defaults() function, to set default values for the initiator variables. Once all the values have been set to the user preferences using the iscsi_initiator_setvar() function, then the iscsi_initiator_start() function is called. The libiscsi library can be used to perform iSCSI device discovery by calling the iscsi_initiator_discovery() function. This will return a list of all the iSCSI targets which are serving up block storage according to the variables which have already been set. SEE ALSO
iscsi-initiator(8), iscsi-target(8) HISTORY
The libiscsi library first appeared in NetBSD 4.0. This programmatic interface to the iSCSI subsystem first appeared in NetBSD 6.0. AUTHORS
Alistair Crooks <>. BSD
February 19, 2011 BSD

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ISCSI-INITIATOR(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					ISCSI-INITIATOR(8)

iscsi-initiator -- refuse-based iSCSI initiator SYNOPSIS
iscsi-initiator [-46bcDfVv] [-a authentication-type] [-d digest-type] [-h target-hostname] [-p target-port-number] [-t target-number] [-u username] mount_point DESCRIPTION
The iscsi-initiator utility can be used to access an iSCSI target, such as iscsi-target(8), to access block storage which has been exported. Information pertaining to the target is displayed underneath the mount point, along with the device corresponding to the storage which the target exports. The various arguments are as follows: -4 Use an IPv4 connection to the target. -6 Use an IPv6 connection to the target. -a authentication-type Use the specified authentication type when communicating with the target. The possible values are chap, kerberos, srp or none. The default value is none. -b Show the storage as a block device. -c Show the storage as a character device. -d digest-type Use the specified digest type when communicating with the target. The possible values are header, data, both, all or none. The default value is none. -D List the LUNs on the specified target and exit (i.e. do discovery only) -f Show the storage as a regular file. -h hostname Connect to the iSCSI target running on the host specified as the argument. -p port-number Connect to the iSCSI target running on the port specified as the argument. The default value is 3260. -t target Connect to the number of the iSCSI target running as the argument. -u username Use the specified user's credentials when logging in to the iSCSI target. There is no default. -V Print out the version number and then exit. -v Be verbose in operation. The refuse(3) library is used to provide the file system features. The mandatory parameter is the local mount point. This iSCSI initiator presents a view of the targets underneath the mount point. Firstly, it creates a directory tree with the hostname of the target, and, in that directory, a virtual directory is created for each target name exported by the iSCSI target program. Within that virtual target directory, symbolic links exist for the hostname (for convenience), a textual representation of the IP address, the iSCSI tar- get product name, the iSCSI target IQN, the iSCSI target vendor and version number. One other directory entry is presented in the virtual target directory, relating to the storage presented by the iSCSI target. This can be in the form of a regular file, which is also the default, a block device or a character device. Please note that the iscsi-initiator utility needs the ``puffs'' kernel module loaded via modload(8) to operate. EXAMPLES
# ./iscsi-initiator -u agc -h /mnt # ls -al /mnt/target0 total 576 drwxr-xr-x 2 agc agc 512 May 11 22:24 . drwxr-xr-x 2 agc agc 512 May 11 22:24 .. lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 39 May 11 22:24 hostname -> lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 14 May 11 22:24 ip -> lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 16 May 11 22:24 product -> NetBSD iSCSI -rw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 104857600 May 11 22:24 storage lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 43 May 11 22:24 targetname -> lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 8 May 11 22:24 vendor -> NetBSD lrw-r--r-- 1 agc agc 4 May 11 22:24 version -> 0 # SEE ALSO
puffs(3), refuse(3), iscsi-target(8) HISTORY
The iscsi-initiator utility first appeared in NetBSD 6.0. An earlier version called iscsifs was available in NetBSD 5.0 in source format only. AUTHORS
The iscsi-initiator utility was written by Alistair Crooks <>. BUGS
iscsi-initiator currently only supports a CHAP challenge length of 16 octets. Other initiators support up to 1024 and thus it is expected that most targets will also support such lengths. This means that CHAP compatibility with other targets apart from iscsi-target(8) is likely to be poor. To workaround this, please use authentication type none by not specifying a username with the -u option. BSD
February 22, 2011 BSD
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