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getprogname(3) [netbsd man page]

GETPROGNAME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					    GETPROGNAME(3)

getprogname, setprogname -- get/set the name of the current program LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> const char * getprogname(void); void setprogname(const char *name); DESCRIPTION
These utility functions get and set the current program's name as used by various error-reporting functions. getprogname() returns the name of the current program. This function is typically useful when generating error messages or other diagnostic output. If the program name has not been set, getprogname() will return NULL. setprogname() sets the name of the current program to be the last pathname component of the name argument. It should be invoked at the start of the program, using the argv[0] passed into the program's main() function. A pointer into the string pointed to by the name argument is kept as the program name. Therefore, the string pointed to by name should not be modified during the rest of the program's operation. A program's name can only be set once, and in NetBSD that is actually done by program start-up code that is run before main() is called. Therefore, in NetBSD, calling setprogname() explicitly has no effect. However, portable programs that wish to use getprogname() should call setprogname() from main(). On operating systems where getprogname() and setprogname() are implemented via a portability library, this call is needed to make the name available. SEE ALSO
err(3), setproctitle(3) HISTORY
The getprogname and setprogname function calls appeared in NetBSD 1.6. RESTRICTIONS
The string returned by getprogname() is supplied by the invoking process and should not be trusted by setuid or setgid programs. BSD
May 21, 2011 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

GETPROGNAME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					    GETPROGNAME(3)

getprogname, setprogname -- get/set the name of the current program LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> const char * getprogname(void); void setprogname(const char *name); DESCRIPTION
These utility functions get and set the current program's name as used by various error-reporting functions. getprogname() returns the name of the current program. This function is typically useful when generating error messages or other diagnostic output. If the program name has not been set, getprogname() will return NULL. setprogname() sets the name of the current program to be the last pathname component of the name argument. It should be invoked at the start of the program, using the argv[0] passed into the program's main() function. A pointer into the string pointed to by the name argument is kept as the program name. Therefore, the string pointed to by name should not be modified during the rest of the program's operation. A program's name can only be set once, and in NetBSD that is actually done by program start-up code that is run before main() is called. Therefore, in NetBSD, calling setprogname() explicitly has no effect. However, portable programs that wish to use getprogname() should call setprogname() from main(). On operating systems where getprogname() and setprogname() are implemented via a portability library, this call is needed to make the name available. SEE ALSO
err(3), setproctitle(3) HISTORY
The getprogname and setprogname function calls appeared in NetBSD 1.6. RESTRICTIONS
The string returned by getprogname() is supplied by the invoking process and should not be trusted by setuid or setgid programs. BSD
May 21, 2011 BSD
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