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rsh(1) [netbsd man page]

RSH(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						    RSH(1)

rsh -- remote shell SYNOPSIS
rsh [-46dn] [-l username] [-p port] host [command] rsh [-46dn] [-p port] username@host [command] DESCRIPTION
rsh executes command on host. rsh copies its standard input to the remote command, the standard output of the remote command to its standard output, and the standard error of the remote command to its standard error. Interrupt, quit and terminate signals are propagated to the remote command; rsh normally termi- nates when the remote command does. The options are as follows: -4 Use IPv4 addresses only. -6 Use IPv6 addresses only. -d The -d option turns on socket debugging (using setsockopt(2)) on the TCP sockets used for communication with the remote host. -l username By default, the remote username is the same as the local username. The -l option or the username@host format allow the remote name to be specified. -n The -n option redirects input from the special device /dev/null (see the BUGS section of this manual page). -p port Uses the given port instead of the one assigned to the service ``shell''. May be given either as symbolic name or as number. If no command is given, note that rlogin(1) is started, which may need a different daemon (rlogind(8) instead of rshd(8)) run- ning on the server; you want to pass the rshd(8) port number in that case. If no command is specified, you will be logged in on the remote host using rlogin(1). Shell metacharacters which are not quoted are interpreted on local machine, while quoted metacharacters are interpreted on the remote machine. For example, the command rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile appends the remote file remotefile to the local file localfile, while rsh otherhost cat remotefile ">>" other_remotefile appends remotefile to other_remotefile. FILES
/etc/hosts SEE ALSO
rcmd(1), rlogin(1), rcmd(3), hosts.equiv(5), rhosts(5), environ(7) HISTORY
The rsh command appeared in 4.2BSD. BUGS
If you are using csh(1) and put a rsh in the background without redirecting its input away from the terminal, it will block even if no reads are posted by the remote command. If no input is desired you should redirect the input of rsh to /dev/null using the -n option. You cannot run an interactive command (like rogue(6) or vi(1)) using rsh; use rlogin(1) instead. Stop signals stop the local rsh process only; this is arguably wrong, but currently hard to fix for reasons too complicated to explain here. BSD
March 9, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

rsh(1c) 																   rsh(1c)

       rsh - remote shell

       rsh host [-l username] [-n] command
       host [-l username] [-n] command

       The  command  connects to the specified host, and executes the specified command.  The command copies its standard input to the remote com-
       mand, the standard output of the remote command to its standard output, and the standard error of the remote command to its standard error.
       Interrupt, quit and terminate signals are propagated to the remote command.  The command normally terminates when the remote command does.

       The  remote  username  used is the same as your local username, unless you specify a different remote name with the -l option.  This remote
       name must be equivalent, in the sense of to the originating account.  No provision is made for specifying a password with a command.

       If you omit command, then instead of executing a single command, you are logged in on the remote host using

       Shell metacharacters which are not quoted are interpreted on local machine, while quoted  metacharacters  are  interpreted  on  the  remote
       machine.  Thus the command

	  rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile

       appends the remote file remotefile to the localfile localfile, while

	  rsh otherhost cat remotefile ">>" otherremotefile

       appends remotefile to otherremotefile.

       Host  names are given in the file Each host has one standard name (the first name given in the file), which is rather long and unambiguous,
       and optionally one or more nicknames.  The host names for local machines are also commands in the directory If you put  this  directory	in
       your search path then the can be omitted.

       -l username	   Logs you in as the specified user, not as your user login name.

       -n		   Redirects all command input to

       The  command  is  confused by output generated by commands in a .cshrc file on the remote host.	In particular, `where are you?' and `stty:
       Can't assign requested address' are messages which can result if output is generated by the startup file.

       If you are using and put a in the background without redirecting its input away from the terminal, it blocks even if no reads are posted by
       the remote command.  If no input is desired you should redirect the input of to using the -n option.

       You cannot run an interactive command like Use

       Stop signals stop the local process only.


See Also

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