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elf2ecoff(1) [netbsd man page]

ELF2ECOFF(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      ELF2ECOFF(1)

elf2ecoff -- convert a NetBSD ELF-format executable to NetBSD ECOFF format SYNOPSIS
elf2ecoff elf-file ecoff-file DESCRIPTION
Reads a fully-linked ELF executable (such as a linked kernel) and produces an equivalent ECOFF format executable file. The elf2ecoff utility is used to convert native NetBSD ELF binaries to ECOFF format, for compatibility with DECstation diskless-boot PROM code and diskless-boot servers that require ECOFF format binaries. SEE ALSO
elf2aout(1), ld(1), kvm(3), a.out(5), elf(5), kvm_mkdb(8) HISTORY
elf2ecoff was originally developed for NetBSD/pmax by Ted Lemon and was first distributed with the pmax port of NetBSD 1.1. BUGS
elf2ecoff assumes there are no multiply-referenced symbols in the input ELF symbol section. It may be necessary to link with -x to avoid duplicate symbols. In some environments, the GNU binutils objcopy(1) utility may be a better solution than elf2ecoff. BSD
September 30, 1996 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

COMPAT_NETBSD32(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					COMPAT_NETBSD32(8)

compat_netbsd32 -- setup procedure for 32-bit compatibility on 64-bit platforms DESCRIPTION
The compat_netbsd32 module allows NetBSD/sparc64 to run NetBSD/sparc executables, and NetBSD/amd64 to run NetBSD/i386 executables. To use compat_netbsd32, one must either have COMPAT_NETBSD32 and EXEC_ELF32 in the kernel, or load the compat_netbsd32 and exec_netbsd32 ker- nel modules. Static executables typically need no additional setup. Dynamic binaries require the dynamic linker plus shared libraries. Most of these files will need to be placed under /emul/netbsd32. The easiest method of installing support for these is via the emulators/netbsd32_compat14, emulators/netbsd32_compat15, and emulators/netbsd32_compat16 packages, provided in the NetBSD packages collection. These install 32-bit a.out and ELF compatibility libraries, respectively. The details of what is actually necessary for correct operation are given below. This obviously is handled by the emulator packages. For a.out compatibility, /usr/libexec/ from a 32-bit distribution is required to exist as /emul/netbsd32/usr/libexec/ For 32-bit ELF compatibility, /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so needs to be in /emul/netbsd32/usr/libexec/ld.elf_so. The shared libraries for a.out binaries do not live under the /emul/netbsd32 directory, but under the /emul/aout directory, where the a.out dynamic linker will find them. BUGS
A list of things which fail to work in compatibility mode should be here. IPC is not well supported. sysctl(3) is not well supported. BSD
March 11, 2006 BSD
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