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vgcfgrestore(8) [mojave man page]

VGCFGRESTORE(8)                                               System Manager's Manual                                              VGCFGRESTORE(8)

vgcfgrestore - restore volume group descriptor area SYNOPSIS
vgcfgrestore [-d|--debug] [-f|--file filename] [-l[l]|--list] [-h|--help] [-M|--Metadatatype1|2] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] VolumeGroupName DESCRIPTION
vgcfgrestore allows you to restore the metadata of VolumeGroupName from a text backup file produced by vgcfgbackup. You can specify a backup file with --file. If no backup file is specified, the most recent one is used. Use --list for a list of the available backup and archive files of VolumeGroupName. OPTIONS
-l | --list -- List files pertaining to VolumeGroupName List metadata backup and archive files pertaining to VolumeGroupName. May be used with the -f option. Does not restore Vol- umeGroupName. -f | --file filename -- Name of LVM metadata backup file Specifies a metadata backup or archive file to be used for restoring VolumeGroupName. Often this file has been created with vgcfg- backup. See lvm for common options. REPLACING PHYSICAL VOLUMES
vgdisplay --partial --verbose will show you the UUIDs and sizes of any PVs that are no longer present. If a PV in the VG is lost and you wish to substitute another of the same size, use pvcreate --restorefile filename --uuid uuid (plus additional arguments as appropriate) to initialise it with the same UUID as the missing PV. Repeat for all other missing PVs in the VG. Then use vgcfgrestore --file filename to restore the volume group's metadata. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), vgcreate(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) VGCFGRESTORE(8)

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VGCFGRESTORE(8) 					      System Manager's Manual						   VGCFGRESTORE(8)

vgcfgrestore - restore volume group descriptor area SYNOPSIS
vgcfgrestore [-b|--backup_number VolumeGroupBackupNumber] [-d|--debug] [-f|--file VGConfPath] [-l[l]|--list [--list]] [-h|--help] [-i|--ignore_size] [-n|--name VolumeGroupName] [-o|--oldpath OldPhysicalVolumePath] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] [PhysicalVolumePath] DESCRIPTION
vgcfgrestore allows you to restore the volume group descriptor area from backup files in /etc/lvmconf or from VGConfPath to the given Phys- icalVolumePath. The default backup file is /etc/lvmconf/VolumeGroupName.conf. This command DOES NOT restore data contained in logical volume(s), only the LVM configuration metadata! OPTIONS -b, --backup_numberVolumeGroupBackupNumber Restore from the specified backup number. Use together with option -n which gives the name of the volume group. See examples below. -d, --debug Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG). -f, --file VGConfPath Restore from the specified path. Useful for selection of specific backups in the backup history or for copies of VGDA backups. -i, --ignore_size Restore though the size of the physical volume doesn't match the one in the backup. -l, --list Display volume group information contained in the backup file. If given twice, the physical and logical volume information con- tained in the backup file is also shown. -h, --help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. -n, --name VolumeGroupName Do a restore for this volume group name. -o, --oldpath OldPhysicalVolumePath If the path to the physical volume has changed between backup time and restore time, this option enables you to choose the corre- sponding physical volume path in the backup file. -t, --test Do a test run reading the volume group backup WITHOUT trying to restore it -v, --verbose Give verbose runtime information about vgcfgrestore's activities. --version Output the version number and exit successfully. Examples To display information like with "vgdisplay vg00" stored in the backup file /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf: vgcfgrestore -n vg00 -l To restore the VGDA of vg00 from the alternative backup file /tmp/vg00-old to physical volume /dev/sdn1: vgcfgrestore -f /tmp/vg00-old -n vg00 /dev/sdn1 To restore the VGDA of vg00 from the alternative backup file /etc/lvmconf/vg00.conf.5.old to physical volume /dev/sda5 : vgcfgrestore -n vg00 -b 5 /dev/sda5 DIAGNOSTICS
vgcfgrestore returns an exit code of 0 for success and > 0 for error: 1 no physical volume on command line 2 invalid physical volume name 3 volume group is active 4 error doing restore to physical volume 5 backup is invalid for this volume group 6 volume group is inconsistent 7 physical volume doesn't belong to volume group backup 8 error reading physical volume 9 error getting size of physical volume 10 error writing VGDA to physical volume(s) 11 error removing special files of volume group 12 error setting volume group into lvmtab 13 error doing backup 95 driver/module not in kernel 96 invalid I/O protocol version 97 error locking logical volume manager 98 invalid lvmtab (run vgscan(8)) 99 invalid command line SEE ALSO
lvm(8), vgcfgbackup(8), vgcreate(8) AUTHOR
Heinz Mauelshagen <> Heinz Mauelshagen LVM TOOLS VGCFGRESTORE(8)
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