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file::spec::cygwin(3pm) [mojave man page]

File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm) 				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				   File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm)

File::Spec::Cygwin - methods for Cygwin file specs SYNOPSIS
require File::Spec::Cygwin; # Done internally by File::Spec if needed DESCRIPTION
See File::Spec and File::Spec::Unix. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not the semantics. This module is still in beta. Cygwin-knowledgeable folks are invited to offer patches and suggestions. canonpath Any "" (backslashes) are converted to "/" (forward slashes), and then File::Spec::Unix canonpath() is called on the result. file_name_is_absolute True is returned if the file name begins with "drive_letter:", and if not, File::Spec::Unix file_name_is_absolute() is called. tmpdir (override) Returns a string representation of the first existing directory from the following list: $ENV{TMPDIR} /tmp $ENV{'TMP'} $ENV{'TEMP'} C:/temp Since Perl 5.8.0, if running under taint mode, and if the environment variables are tainted, they are not used. case_tolerant Override Unix. Cygwin case-tolerance depends on managed mount settings and as with MsWin32 on GetVolumeInformation() $ouFsFlags == FS_CASE_SENSITIVE, indicating the case significance when comparing file specifications. Default: 1 COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004,2007 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.18.2 2014-01-06 File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm)

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File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm) 				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide				   File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm)

File::Spec::Cygwin - methods for Cygwin file specs SYNOPSIS
require File::Spec::Cygwin; # Done internally by File::Spec if needed DESCRIPTION
See File::Spec and File::Spec::Unix. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not the semantics. This module is still in beta. Cygwin-knowledgeable folks are invited to offer patches and suggestions. canonpath Any "" (backslashes) are converted to "/" (forward slashes), and then File::Spec::Unix canonpath() is called on the result. file_name_is_absolute True is returned if the file name begins with "drive_letter:", and if not, File::Spec::Unix file_name_is_absolute() is called. tmpdir (override) Returns a string representation of the first existing directory from the following list: $ENV{TMPDIR} /tmp $ENV{'TMP'} $ENV{'TEMP'} C:/temp Since Perl 5.8.0, if running under taint mode, and if the environment variables are tainted, they are not used. case_tolerant Override Unix. Cygwin case-tolerance depends on managed mount settings and as with MsWin32 on GetVolumeInformation() $ouFsFlags == FS_CASE_SENSITIVE, indicating the case significance when comparing file specifications. Default: 1 COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004,2007 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-11 File::Spec::Cygwin(3pm)
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