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sasl_errors(3) [mojave man page]

sasl_errors(3)							  SASL man pages						    sasl_errors(3)

sasl_errors - SASL error codes SYNOPSIS
#include <sasl/sasl.h> DESCRIPTION
The following are the general error codes that may be returned by calls into the SASL library, and their meanings (that may vary slightly based on context): Common Result Codes SASL_OK Success SASL_CONTINUE Another step is needed in authentication SASL_FAIL Generic Failure SASL_NOMEM Memory shortage failure SASL_BUFOVER Overflowed buffer SASL_NOMECH Mechanism not supported / No mechanisms matched requirements SASL_BADPROT Bad / Invalid Protocol or Protocol cancel SASL_NOTDONE Can't request information / Not applicable until later in exchange SASL_BADPARAM Invalid Parameter Supplied SASL_TRYAGAIN Transient Failure (e.g. weak key) SASL_BADMAC Integrity Check Failed SASL_NOTINIT SASL library not initialized Client-only Result Codes SASL_INTERACT Needs user interaction SASL_BADSERV Server failed mutual authentication step SASL_WRONGMECH Mechanism does not support requested feature Server-only Result Codes SASL_BADAUTH Authentication Failure SASL_NOAUTHZ Authorization Failure SASL_TOOWEAK Mechanism too weak for this user SASL_ENCRYPT Encryption needed to use mechanism SASL_TRANS One time use of a plaintext password will enable requested mechanism for user SASL_EXPIRED Passphrase expired, must be reset SASL_DISABLED Account Disabled SASL_NOUSER User Not Found SASL_BADVERS Version mismatch with plug-in SASL_NOVERIFY USer exists, but no verifier for user Password Setting Result Codes SASL_PWLOCK Passphrase locked SASL_NOCHANGE Requested change was not needed SASL_WEAKPASS Passphrase is too week for security policy. SASL_NOUSERPASS User supplied passwords are not permitted CONFORMING TO
sasl(3) SASL
10 July 2001 sasl_errors(3)

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sasl_callbacks(3)						  SASL man pages						 sasl_callbacks(3)

sasl_callbacks - How to work with SASL callbacks SYNOPSIS
#include <sasl/sasl.h> DESCRIPTION
sasl_callbacks are used when the application needs some information from the application. Common reasons are getting for getting usernames and passwords. A client MUST specify what callbacks they support in the sasl_client/server_init() or sasl_client/server_new() calls. If an authentication mechanism needs a callback that the application does not state it supports it cannot be used. If a callback has an id parameter that should be checked to make sure you are giving the appropriate value. If an application is using the client side of the library functions to handle the callbacks are not necessary. Instead the application may deal with callbacks via SASL_INTERACT's. See sasl_client_start/step() for more information. The list of callbacks follows: Common Callbacks sasl_getopt_t Get an option value sasl_log_t Log message handler sasl_getpath_t Get path to search for plugins (e.g. SASL mechanisms) sasl_verifyfile_t Verify files for use by SASL sasl_canon_user_t Username canonicalization function. Client-only Callbacks sasl_getsimple_t Get user/language list sasl_getsecret_t Get authentication secret sasl_chalprompt_t Display challenge and prompt for response sasl_getrealm_t Get the realm for authentication Server-only Callbacks sasl_authorize_t Authorize policy callback sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t verify plaintext password sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t set plaintext password sasl_getconfpath_t Get path to search for SASL configuration file (server side only). New in SASL 2.1.22. RETURN VALUE
SASL callback functions should return SASL return codes. See sasl.h for a complete list. SASL_OK typically indicates success. CONFORMING TO
sasl(3), sasl_errors(3), sasl_authorize_t(3), sasl_log_t(3), sasl_getpath_t(3), sasl_getconfpath_t(3), sasl_verifyfile_t(3), sasl_canon_user_t(3), sasl_getsimple(3), sasl_getsecret_t(3), sasl_chalprompt_t(3), sasl_getrealm_t(3), sasl_authorize_t(3), sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t(3), sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t(3) SASL
12 February 2006 sasl_callbacks(3)
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