changing timeout in FTP

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# 1  
Old 05-16-2002
changing timeout in FTP

Can someone tell me how to chnage the timeout settings for FTP. I am on HP UX

Thanks in Advance..
# 2  
Old 05-16-2002
The default for the $FWDIR/lib/init.def under the
#define FTP_CONTROL_TIMEOUT is to use the TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT setting under Rule 0. Usually it is set to 120 seconds (2 minutes). Try to edit it to 600 seconds (10 minutes) or longer.

Give a try do post the result.
# 3  
Old 05-16-2002
I cant find any file named "init.def" in any of the directories. Could you tell me the probable location on HP UX

# 4  
Old 05-16-2002
Hey! I found teh solution..

I can do it by changing the inetd.conf file

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd -t7200

This ensures me a time out of 7200 Seconds (Max. Permissible value)

# 5  
Old 04-16-2003
followup questions

1) ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd -t7200
the above format should be the same for telnet... if i want to set the time_out.

2) hmm, where to get this elusive "$FWDIR/lib/init.def " i did a find / -name init.def on aix, hpux , solaris.. and nowhere to be found.....
# 6  
Old 04-16-2003
1) ftpd actually converses with the client during the ftp session. telnetd, on the other hand, connects the client to a login program. And the login program replaces itself with a shell. The shell actually converses with the client. Most shells have some means to set a timeout period. Most login programs do not.

2) I have never heard of that either. It sounds like a firewall package of some kind, but this wasn't really a firewall question.
# 7  
Old 04-16-2003
KillerServ may have been talking about Firewall-1 from CheckPoint.. but jyotipg didn't say the problem was specifically a firewall one..
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