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PERLRISCOS(1)						 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					     PERLRISCOS(1)

perlriscos - Perl version 5 for RISC OS DESCRIPTION
This document gives instructions for building Perl for RISC OS. It is complicated by the need to cross compile. There is a binary version of perl available from <> which you may wish to use instead of trying to compile it yourself. BUILD
You need an installed and working gccsdk cross compiler <> and REXEN <> Firstly, copy the source and build a native copy of perl for your host system. Then, in the source to be cross compiled: 1. $ ./Configure 2. Select the riscos hint file. The default answers for the rest of the questions are usually sufficient. Note that, if you wish to run Configure non-interactively (see the INSTALL document for details), to have it select the correct hint file, you'll need to provide the argument -Dhintfile=riscos on the Configure command-line. 3. $ make miniperl 4. This should build miniperl and then fail when it tries to run it. 5. Copy the miniperl executable from the native build done earlier to replace the cross compiled miniperl. 6. $ make 7. This will use miniperl to complete the rest of the build. AUTHOR
Alex Waugh <> perl v5.18.2 2013-11-04 PERLRISCOS(1)

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PERLEPOC(1)						 Perl Programmers Reference Guide					       PERLEPOC(1)

perlepoc - Perl for EPOC SYNOPSIS
Perl 5 README file for the EPOC Release 5 operating system. INTRODUCTION
EPOC is an OS for palmtops and mobile phones. For more information look at: <> This is a port of perl to the epocemx SDK by Eberhard Mattes, which itself uses the SDK by symbian. Essentially epocemx it is a POSIX look alike environment for the EPOC OS. For more information look at: <> perl and epocemx runs on Epoc Release 5 machines: Psion 5mx, 5mx Pro, Psion Revo, Psion Netbook and on the Ericsson M128. It may run on Epoc Release 3 Hardware (Series 5 classic), too. For more information about this hardware please refer to <> Vendors which like to have support for their devices are free to send me a sample. INSTALLING PERL ON EPOC
You can download a ready-to-install version from <> You will need at least ~6MB free space in order to install and run perl. Please install the emxusr.sis package from <> first. Install perl.sis on the EPOC machine. If you do not know how to do that, consult your PsiWin documentation. Perl itself and its standard library is using 4 MB disk space. Unicode support and some other modules are left out. (For details, please look into epoc/ If you like to use these modules, you are free to copy them from a current perl release. STARTING PERL ON EPOC
Please use the epocemx shell to start perl. perl integrates with the conventions of epocemx. Features of Perl on Epoc The built-in function EPOC::getcwd returns the current directory. Restrictions of Perl on Epoc Features are left out, because of restrictions of the POSIX support in EPOC: o socket IO is only implemented poorly. You can only use sysread and syswrite on them. The commands read, write, print, <> do not work for sockets. This may change iff epocemx supports sockets. o kill, alarm and signals. Do not try to use them. This may be impossible to implement on EPOC. o select is missing. o binmode does not exist. (No CR LF to LF translation for text files) o EPOC does not handle the notion of current drive and current directory very well (i.e. not at all, but it tries hard to emulate one). See PATH. o Heap is limited to 4MB. o Dynamic loading is not implemented. Compiling Perl 5 on the EPOC cross compiling environment Sorry, this is far too short. o You will need the epocemx SDK from Eberhard Mattes. o Get the Perl sources from your nearest CPAN site. o Unpack the sources. o Build a native perl from this sources... Make sure to save the miniperl executable as miniperl.native. Start again from scratch cp epoc/* . ./Configure -S make cp miniperl.native miniperl touch miniperl.exe make perl emxsis perl.pkg perl.sis SUPPORT STATUS OF PERL ON EPOC
I'm offering this port "as is". You can ask me questions, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer them. Since the port to epocemx is quite new, please check the web for updates first. Very special thanks to Eberhard Mattes for epocemx. AUTHOR
Olaf Flebbe <> <> LAST UPDATE
2003-01-18 perl v5.16.3 2013-03-04 PERLEPOC(1)
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