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systemd-hostnamed.service(8) [minix man page]

SYSTEMD-HOSTNAMED.SERVICE(8)				     systemd-hostnamed.service				      SYSTEMD-HOSTNAMED.SERVICE(8)

systemd-hostnamed.service, systemd-hostnamed - Host name bus mechanism SYNOPSIS
systemd-hostnamed.service /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed DESCRIPTION
systemd-hostnamed is a system service that may be used as a mechanism to change the system's hostname. systemd-hostnamed is automatically activated on request and terminates itself when it is unused. The tool hostnamectl(1) is a command line client to this service. See the developer documentation[1] for information about the APIs systemd-hostnamed provides. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), hostname(5), machine-info(5), hostnamectl(1), sethostname(2) NOTES
1. developer documentation systemd 237 SYSTEMD-HOSTNAMED.SERVICE(8)

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SYSTEMD-TIMEDATED.SERVICE(8)                                 systemd-timedated.service                                SYSTEMD-TIMEDATED.SERVICE(8)

systemd-timedated.service, systemd-timedated - Time and date bus mechanism SYNOPSIS
systemd-timedated.service /lib/systemd/systemd-timedated DESCRIPTION
systemd-timedated is a system service that may be used as a mechanism to change the system clock and timezone, as well as to enable/disable NTP time synchronization. systemd-timedated is automatically activated on request and terminates itself when it is unused. The tool timedatectl(1) is a command line client to this service. See the developer documentation[1] for information about the APIs systemd-timedated provides. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), timedatectl(1), localtime(5), hwclock(8) NOTES
1. developer documentation systemd 237 SYSTEMD-TIMEDATED.SERVICE(8)
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