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makedev(8) [minix man page]

MAKEDEV(8)						      System Manager's Manual							MAKEDEV(8)

MAKEDEV, DESCRIBE - make/describe device files SYNOPSIS
MAKEDEV [-n] key ... DESCRIBE [device] ... DESCRIPTION
MAKEDEV may be used to create the device files normally found in the /dev directory. The key arguments are simply the names of the devices you want. MAKEDEV knows about all supported devices and will create them in the current directory with the proper owner and mode. For many devices MAKEDEV will not only create the device you want, but also the devices related to it that you will probably want too. Naming one floppy device will create all floppy devices for the same drive for instance. Call MAKEDEV without arguments to see a list of keys that it understands. Then use the -n flag to make the script echo the commands it will execute the next time when you call it without that flag. The special key std must be given alone to MAKEDEV. This key will create all standard devices. The command DESCRIBE will give you a one-line description of a given device. It will by default list all devices in /dev. SEE ALSO
mknod(8). BUGS
MAKEDEV's eagerness to create devices may cause many "File exists" errors from mknod. AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( MAKEDEV(8)

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MAKEDEV(8)						      System Manager's Manual							MAKEDEV(8)

MAKEDEV - makes system special files SYNOPSIS
/dev/MAKEDEV [argument] [device-name?...] DESCRIPTION
The MAKEDEV shell script is normally used to install special files. It resides in the /dev directory, the normal location of special files. Arguments to MAKEDEV are usually of the form device-name? where device-name is one of the supported devices listed in Section 7 of the Reference Pages and ? is a logical unit number. The argument operand is one of the following special arguments that create assorted col- lections of devices: Creates all standard device files for all systems. Standard devices for Alpha systems (in the order they are created) are as follows: klog, kcon, kbinlog, kmem, mem, null, vmzcore, console, ws0, mouse0, keyboard0, tty, pty0, pty1, ptmx, cam, audit, prf, pfcntr, zero, snmpinfo, lockdev, and sysdev0. Creates a set of 16 LAT device special files, one for each LAT terminal device. The n specifies the set option. The set option range is 0 to 38. Specifying lat38 creates 12 LAT device special files. Creates groups of pseudoterminal device special files, as follows: Cre- ates pty0 to pty22. Creates pty23 to pty45. Creates pty46 to pty56. Creates pty57 to pty64. Creates pty65 to pty72. Creates pty73 to pty80. Creates pty81 to pty88. Creates pty89 to pty96. Creates pty97 to pty101. The # specifies the group of pseudoterminal device special files created. Creates a group of packet filter device special files, as follows: Creates pfilt0 to pfilt63. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt63. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt127. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt255. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt511. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt1023. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt2047. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt3071. Creates pfilt0 to pfilt4095. The # specifies the number of ppacket filter device special files created. Creates those devices specific to the local site. This request causes the shell file /dev/MAKEDEV.local to be executed. This file must exist prior to using the local argument. Site spe- cific commands, such as those used to setup dialup lines as ttyd? and to create device special files for all non-Compaq devices, should be included in this file. Because all devices are created using mknod(8) this shell script is useful only to the superuser. NOTES
The MAKEDEV script installs files in the current working directory. Although device special files can be located anywhere on the system, they are usually created in the /dev directory, since this is where most applications expect to find them. Refer to the dsfmgr(8) reference page for information on the Device Special File Manager program. ERRORS
Either self-explanatory, or generated by one of the programs called from the script. Use sh -x MAKEDEV in case of trouble. SEE ALSO
Commands: config(8), dsfmgr(8), mknod(8) Interfaces: intro(7), packetfilter(7), pty(7) MAKEDEV(8)
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