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devscripts.conf(5) [minix man page]

DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)						File Formats Manual						DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)

devscripts.conf - configuration file for the devscripts package DESCRIPTION
The devscripts package provides a collection of scripts which may be of use to Debian developers and others wishing to build Debian pack- ages. Many of these have options which can be configured on a system-wide and per-user basis. Every script in the devscripts package which makes use of values from these configuration files describes the specific settings recognised in its own manpage. (For a list of the scripts, either see /usr/share/doc/devscripts/README.gz or look at the output of dpkg -L devscripts | grep /usr/bin.) The two configuration files are /etc/devscripts.conf for system-wide defaults and ~/.devscripts for per-user settings. They are written with bash(1) syntax, but should only have comments and simple variable assignments in them; they are both sourced (if present) by many of the devscripts scripts. Variables corresponding to simple switches should have one of the values yes and no; any other setting is regarded as equivalent to the default setting. All variable names are written in uppercase, and begin with the script name. Package-wide variables begin with "DEVSCRIPTS", and are listed below, as well as in the relevant manpages. For a list of all of the available options variables, along with their default settings, see the example configuration file /usr/share/doc/devscripts/devscripts.conf.ex. This is copied to /etc/devscripts.conf when the devscripts package is first installed. Information about configuration options introduced in newer versions of the package will be appended to /etc/devscripts.conf when the pack- age is upgraded. Every script which reads the configuration files can be forced to ignore them by using --no-conf as the first command-line option. PACKAGE-WIDE VARIABLES The currently recognised package-wide variables are: DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_LEVEL, DEVSCRIPTS_CHECK_DIRNAME_REGEX These variables control scripts which change directory to find a debian/changelog file or suchlike, and some other miscellaneous cases. In order to prevent unwanted, even possibly dangerous, behaviour, these variables control when actions will be performed. The scripts which currently make use of these variables are: debc, debchange/dch, debclean, debi, debrelease, debuild and uscan, but this list may change with time (and I may not remember to update this manpage). Please see the manpages of individual scripts for details of the specific behaviour for each script. SEE ALSO
devscripts(1) and /usr/share/doc/devscripts/README.gz. AUTHOR
This manpage was written for the devscripts package by the package maintainer Julian Gilbey <>. DEBIAN
Debian Utilities DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)

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DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)						File Formats Manual						DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)

       devscripts.conf - configuration file for the devscripts package

       The  devscripts	package provides a collection of scripts which may be of use to Debian developers and others wishing to build Debian pack-
       ages.  Many of these have options which can be configured on a system-wide and per-user basis.

       Every script in the devscripts package which makes use of values from these configuration files describes the specific settings	recognised
       in its own manpage.  (For a list of the scripts, either see /usr/share/doc/devscripts/README.gz or look at the output of dpkg -L devscripts
       | grep /usr/bin.)

       The two configuration files are /etc/devscripts.conf for system-wide defaults and ~/.devscripts for per-user settings.	They  are  written
       with  bash(1)  syntax, but should only have comments and simple variable assignments in them; they are both sourced (if present) by many of
       the devscripts scripts.	Variables corresponding to simple switches should have one of the values yes and no; any other setting is regarded
       as equivalent to the default setting.

       All  variable  names  are  written  in  uppercase, and begin with the script name.  Package-wide variables begin with "DEVSCRIPTS", and are
       listed below, as well as in the relevant manpages.

       For a list of  all  of  the  available  options	variables,  along  with  their	default  settings,  see  the  example  configuration  file
       /usr/share/doc/devscripts/devscripts.conf.ex.   This  is  copied  to  /etc/devscripts.conf  when the devscripts package is first installed.
       Information about configuration options introduced in newer versions of the package will be appended to /etc/devscripts.conf when the pack-
       age is upgraded.

       Every script which reads the configuration files can be forced to ignore them by using --no-conf as the first command-line option.

       The currently recognised package-wide variables are:

	      These  variables	control  scripts  which change directory to find a debian/changelog file or suchlike, and some other miscellaneous
	      cases.  In order to prevent unwanted, even possibly dangerous, behaviour, these variables control when actions  will  be	performed.
	      The scripts which currently make use of these variables are: debc, debchange/dch, debclean, debi, debrelease, debuild and uscan, but
	      this list may change with time (and I may not remember to update this manpage).  Please see the manpages of individual  scripts  for
	      details of the specific behaviour for each script.

       devscripts(1) and /usr/share/doc/devscripts/README.gz.

       This manpage was written for the devscripts package by the package maintainer Julian Gilbey <>.

DEBIAN								 Debian Utilities						DEVSCRIPTS.CONF(5)
Man Page