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exit(2) [minix man page]

EXIT(2) 							System Calls Manual							   EXIT(2)

exit, _exit - terminate a process SYNOPSIS
void _exit(int status) DESCRIPTION
_exit terminates a process with the following consequences: All of the descriptors open in the calling process are closed. This may entail delays, for example, waiting for output to drain; a process in this state may not be killed, as it is already dying. If the parent process of the calling process is executing a wait or is interested in the SIGCHLD signal (Minix-vmd), then it is notified of the calling process's termination and the low-order eight bits of status are made available to it; see wait(2). The parent process ID of all of the calling process's existing child processes are also set to 1. This means that the initializa- tion process (see intro(2)) inherits each of these processes as well. Most C programs call the library routine exit(3), which performs cleanup actions in the standard I/O library before calling _exit. RETURN VALUE
This call never returns. SEE ALSO
fork(2), sigaction(2), wait(2), exit(3). 4th Berkeley Distribution May 22, 1986 EXIT(2)

Check Out this Related Man Page

EXIT(2) 						      BSD System Calls Manual							   EXIT(2)

_exit -- terminate the calling process SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> void _exit(int status); DESCRIPTION
The _exit() function terminates a process with the following consequences: o All of the descriptors open in the calling process are closed. This may entail delays, for example, waiting for output to drain; a process in this state may not be killed, as it is already dying. o If the parent process of the calling process has an outstanding wait call or catches the SIGCHLD signal, it is notified of the calling process's termination and the status is set as defined by wait(2). o The parent process-ID of all of the calling process's existing child processes are set to 1; the initialization process (see the DEFINI- TIONS section of intro(2)) inherits each of these processes. o If the termination of the process causes any process group to become orphaned (usually because the parents of all members of the group have now exited; see ``orphaned process group'' in intro(2)), and if any member of the orphaned group is stopped, the SIGHUP signal and the SIGCONT signal are sent to all members of the newly-orphaned process group. o If the process is a controlling process (see intro(2)), the SIGHUP signal is sent to the foreground process group of the controlling ter- minal, and all current access to the controlling terminal is revoked. Most C programs call the library routine exit(3), which flushes buffers, closes streams, unlinks temporary files, etc., before calling _exit(). RETURN VALUE
_exit() can never return. SEE ALSO
fork(2), sigaction(2), wait(2), exit(3) STANDARDS
The _exit function is defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1''). 4th Berkeley Distribution June 4, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution
Man Page

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