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termcap(1) [minix man page]

TERMCAP(1)						      General Commands Manual							TERMCAP(1)

termcap - print the current termcap entry SYNOPSIS
termcap [type] EXAMPLES
termcap # Print the termcap entry DESCRIPTION
Termcap reads the /etc/termcap entry corresponding to the terminal type supplied as the argument. If none is given, the current $TERM is used. It then prints out all the parameters that apply. SEE ALSO
termcap(3). TERMCAP(1)

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TGET(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   TGET(1)

tget - get termcap values SYNOPSIS
tget [-flag id] [-num id] [-str id] [-goto col line] [[-echo] string] DESCRIPTION
Tget allows shell scripts access to the termcap(3) functions. Flags, numbers and strings can be queried from the termcap database under the entry denoted by the environment variable $TERM. OPTIONS
-flag id Set the exit status to zero if the flag id is set. All other options except -echo set the exit status to id being available or not. The last option sets the final exit code. -num id Print the value of the numeric variable id. -str id Print the value of the string variable id. -goto col line Generates instructions to go to the given column and line if the cm capability exists. -echo string Prints string. Any other argument that does not start with a dash is also printed. EXAMPLE
Try this: tget -str so 'Reverse Video' -str se ENVIRONMENT
TERM Terminal type. TERMCAP Path to the termcap database, by default /etc/termcap:/usr/etc/termcap. SEE ALSO
termcap(3). DIAGNOSTICS
Tget will fail immediately with a descriptive message if the termcap entry can't be found. AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( TGET(1)
Man Page

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