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lp(1) [minix man page]

LP(1)							      General Commands Manual							     LP(1)

lp, lpd - copy a file to the line printer SYNOPSIS
lp [file ...] DESCRIPTION
Each file argument to lp is send to the line printer to be printed. Standard input is read and printed if there are no arguments. Lp exe- cutes /usr/lib/lpd with each file as input. Lpd puts the file in /usr/spool/lpd and starts printing the jobs on /dev/lp unless another lpd is already running. If lpd finds any character in the input that it doesn't know how to handle then it will print the rest of the file without any special treatment. This also means that no formfeed is sent after the file has been printed to force out the page. Lpd simply assumes that you know what you are doing. (dumb, eh?) Note: Don't do anything with a file until it is printed, lpd only makes a copy of a file in the spool directory when it is not world read- able. If it can be read then it is printed directly. FILES
/usr/spool/lpd/jobXXXXX Information about a job. /usr/spool/lpd/tmpXXXXX Associated file to be printed. /etc/termcap The 'lp' entry describes the printer by the "li#" and "co#" fields. By default 66 lines (li#66), and 80 columns (co#80). SEE ALSO
lp(4), termcap(5), termcap(7). BUGS
Not spooling a world readable file may not be such a smart idea. A formfeed should be printed and the printer reset after a job full of escape codes, but this may cost paper. No banner page. AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( LP(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

efax-gtk-socket-client(1)				      General Commands Manual					 efax-gtk-socket-client(1)

efax-gtk-socket-client - a client of efax-gtk to work with lpd/lprng SYNOPSIS
efax-gtk-socket-client [hostname] [port] DESCRIPTION
This program enables lpd/lprng to access the efax-gtk socket server. Meaning the user can send faxes to a printer, which will ack as a fax. It takes two arguments - first a hostname to connect to, and secondly a port number at that hostname to connect to. All efax-gtk-socket- client does is to read from standard input (in this case from lpd/lprng) and passes it to a socket at the hostname and port number passed as arguments to it (namely the hostname of the computer efax-gtk is running on - normally you would specify localhost - and the port number of the socket). fax: :sd=/var/spool/fax: :mx#0: :sh: :lp=/dev/null: :if=/var/spool/fax/efax-gtk-faxfilter: This will cause a printer by the name of "fax" to be available, which (if printed to) will send the file to the efax-gtk socket server. If you set efax-gtk to listen on a port other than port 9900, you will need to amend the file /var/spool/fax/efax-gtk-faxfilter by hand to specify the correct port number on which efax-gtk is listening. Don't forget to restart the lpd printer daemon after amending /etc/printcap. OPTIONS
[ hostname ] - The name of the host to listen to. Usually should be locahlhost. [ port ] - the port number to listen to on the [ hostname ]. SEE ALSO
efax(1), efax-gtk(1). AUTHOR
efax-gtk-socket-client was written by Chris Vine <>. This manual page was written by Lior Kaplan <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). July 18, 2006 efax-gtk-socket-client(1)
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