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chmem(1) [minix man page]

CHMEM(1)						      General Commands Manual							  CHMEM(1)

chmem - change memory allocation SYNOPSIS
chmem [+] [-] [=] amount file EXAMPLES
chmem =50000 a.out # Give a.out 50K of stack space chmem -4000 a.out # Reduce the stack space by 4000 bytes chmem +1000 file1 # Increase each stack by 1000 bytes DESCRIPTION
When a program is loaded into memory, it is allocated enough memory for the text and data+bss segments, plus an area for the stack. Data segment growth using malloc , brk , or sbrk eats up stack space from the low end. The amount of stack space to allocate is derived from a field in the executable program's file header. If the combined stack and data segment growth exceeds the stack space allocated, the pro- gram will be terminated. It is therefore important to set the amount of stack space carefully. If too little is provided, the program may crash. If too much is provided, memory will be wasted, and fewer programs will be able to fit in memory and run simultaneously. MINIX does not swap, so that when memory is full, subsequent attempts to fork will fail. The compiler sets the stack space to the largest possible value (for the Intel CPUs, 64K - text - data). For many programs, this value is far too large. Nonrecursive programs that do not call brk , sbrk , or malloc , and do not have any local arrays usually do not need more than 8K of stack space. The chmem command changes the value of the header field that determines the stack allocation, and thus indirectly the total memory required to run the program. The = option sets the stack size to a specific value; the + and - options increment and decrement the current value by the indicated amount. The old and new stack sizes are printed. SEE ALSO
install(1), brk(2). CHMEM(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

BRK(2)								System Calls Manual							    BRK(2)

brk, sbrk - change data segment size SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> char *brk(char *addr) char *sbrk(int incr) DESCRIPTION
Brk sets the system's idea of the lowest data segment location not used by the program (called the break) to addr. Locations greater than addr and below the stack pointer are not in the address space and will thus cause a memory violation if accessed. In the alternate function sbrk, incr more bytes are added to the program's data space and a pointer to the start of the new area is returned. When a program begins execution via execve the break is set at the highest location defined by the program and data storage areas. Ordi- narily, therefore, only programs with growing data areas need to use sbrk. RETURN VALUE
The address of the new break is returned if brk succeeds; -1 if the program requests more memory than the system limit. Sbrk returns -1 if the break could not be set. ERRORS
Sbrk will fail and no additional memory will be allocated if one of the following are true: [ENOMEM] The maximum possible size of a data segment (as set by chmem(1)) was exceeded. [ENOMEM] Insufficient virtual memory space existed to support the expansion. (Minix-vmd) SEE ALSO
chmem(1), execve(2), malloc(3), end(3). NOTES
Minix-vmd rounds a small data segment limit up to 3 megabytes. BUGS
Setting the break may fail due to a temporary lack of virtual memory under Minix-vmd. It is not possible to distinguish this from a fail- ure caused by exceeding the maximum size of the data segment. 4th Berkeley Distribution May 22, 1986 BRK(2)
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