euid and egid frpm proc

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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat euid and egid frpm proc
# 1  
Old 10-29-2007
euid and egid frpm proc

hi, can anyone tell me where can i find euid and egid from /proc file system in RHEL 4? i read stat file, but i got only uid and gid, and cudnot find any entry regarding euid and egid.please suggest...


# 2  
Old 10-29-2007
EUID and EGID from /proc system

hi, can anyone tell me where can i find euid and egid from /proc file system in RHEL 4? i read stat file, but i got only uid and gid, and cudnot find any entry regarding euid and egid.please suggest...


# 3  
Old 10-29-2007
Please read the rules. No duplicate posts for the same topic. I have merged the threads.
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