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atan2d(3m) [hpux man page]

atan2d(3M)																atan2d(3M)

atan2d(), atan2df(), atan2dl(), atan2dw(), atan2dq() - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions SYNOPSIS
HP Integrity Server Only DESCRIPTION
is a degree-valued version of the function. It returns the arctangent of y/x, in the range -180 to 180, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. is a version of it takes arguments and returns a result. Integrity Server Only is a version of it takes arguments and returns a result. is an version of it takes arguments and returns an result. is equivalent to on HP-UX systems. USAGE
To use these functions compile either with the default option or with the and the options. To use (for Integrity servers) or compile also with the option. To use any of these functions, make sure your program includes and link in the math library by specifying on the compiler or linker command line. For more information, see the at the following site: RETURN VALUE
If y and x is -0, If y and x is +0, If y and x is less than zero, If y and x is greater than zero, returns If y is less than zero and x is zero, returns -90. If y is greater than zero and x is zero, returns 90. If y is greater than zero and x is -INFINITY, returns 180. If y is less than zero and x is -INFINITY, returns -180. If y is greater than zero and x is INFINITY, returns +0. If y is less than zero and x is INFINITY, returns -0. If y and x is finite, returns If y and x is -INFINITY, returns If y and x is +INFINITY, returns If x or y is NaN, returns NaN. ERRORS
No errors are defined. SEE ALSO
acosd(3M), asind(3M), atand(3M), atan2(3M), cosd(3M), sind(3M), tand(3M), math(5). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
These functions are not specified by any standard. atan2d(3M)

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atan2(3M)																 atan2(3M)

atan2(), atan2f(), atan2l(), atan2w(), atan2q() - arctangent and quadrant functions SYNOPSIS
HP Integrity Server Only DESCRIPTION
returns the arctangent of y/x, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. is a version of it takes arguments and returns a result. Integrity Server Only is a version of it takes arguments and returns a result. is an version of it takes arguments and returns an result. is equivalent to on HP-UX systems. USAGE
To use these functions, compile either with the default option or with the and the options. To use (for Integrity servers) or compile also with the option. To use any of these functions, make sure your program includes and link in the math library by specifying on the compiler or linker command line. For more information, see the at the following site: PA-RISC Only Millicode versions of the function are available. Millicode versions of math library functions are usually faster than their counterparts in the standard library. To use these versions, compile your program with the or the optimization option. For special cases, the millicode versions return the same values as their standard library counterparts (see the section). RETURN VALUE
If y and x is -0 If y and x is +0 If y and x is less than zero, returns If y and x is greater than zero, returns If y is less than zero and x is zero, returns If y is greater than zero and x is zero, returns If y is greater than zero and x is -INFINITY, returns Pi. If y is less than zero and x is -INFINITY, If y is greater than zero and x is INFINITY, returns +0. If y is less than zero and x is INFINITY, returns -0. If y and x is finite, returns If y and x is -INFINITY, returns If y and x is +INFINITY, returns If x or y is NaN, returns NaN. Whether raises the inexact exception is unspecified. ERRORS
No errors are defined. SEE ALSO
acos(3M), asin(3M), atan(3M), atan2d(3M), carg(3M), cos(3M), sin(3M), tan(3M), math(5). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
: SVID3, XPG4.2, ANSI C, ISO/IEC C99 (including Annex F, ``IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic'') : ISO/IEC C99 (including Annex F, ``IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic'') atan2(3M)
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