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ltostr(3c) [hpux man page]

ltostr(3C)																ltostr(3C)

ltostr(), ultostr(), ltoa(), ultoa() - convert long integers to strings SYNOPSIS
Obsolescent Interfaces DESCRIPTION
Convert a signed long integer to the corresponding string representation in the specified base. The argument base must be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Convert an unsigned long integer to the corresponding string representation in the specified base. The argument base must be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Convert a signed long integer to the corresponding base 10 string representation, returning a pointer to the result. Convert an unsigned long integer to the corresponding base 10 string representation, returning a pointer to the result. These functions are smaller and faster than using for simple conversions (see printf(3S)). Obsolescent Interfaces convert long integers to strings. ERRORS
If the value of base is not between 2 and 36, and return NULL and set the external variable to ERANGE. WARNINGS
The return values for and point to data whose content is overwritten by subsequent calls to these functions by the same thread. and are obsolescent interface supported only for compatibility with existing DCE applications. New multi-threaded applications should use and AUTHOR
and were developed by HP. SEE ALSO
strtol(3C), printf(3S), thread_safety(5). ltostr(3C)

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ltostr(3C)																ltostr(3C)

ltostr(), ultostr(), ltoa(), ultoa() - convert long integers to strings SYNOPSIS
Obsolescent Interfaces DESCRIPTION
Convert a signed long integer to the corresponding string representation in the specified base. The argument base must be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Convert an unsigned long integer to the corresponding string representation in the specified base. The argument base must be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Convert a signed long integer to the corresponding base 10 string representation, returning a pointer to the result. Convert an unsigned long integer to the corresponding base 10 string representation, returning a pointer to the result. These functions are smaller and faster than using for simple conversions (see printf(3S)). Obsolescent Interfaces convert long integers to strings. ERRORS
If the value of base is not between 2 and 36, and return NULL and set the external variable to ERANGE. WARNINGS
The return values for and point to data whose content is overwritten by subsequent calls to these functions by the same thread. and are obsolescent interface supported only for compatibility with existing DCE applications. New multi-threaded applications should use and AUTHOR
and were developed by HP. SEE ALSO
strtol(3C), printf(3S), thread_safety(5). ltostr(3C)
Man Page

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