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xmfontlist(3) [hpux man page]

XmFontList(library call)												  XmFontList(library call)

XmFontList -- Data type for a font list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> DESCRIPTION
XmFontList is the data type for a font list. A font list consists of font list entries. Each entry contains a font or a font set (a group of fonts) and is identified with a tag, which is optional. If this tag is NULL, the tag is set to XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. The value of XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG is XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG_STRING. When a compound string is displayed, the font list element tag of the compound string segment is matched with a font list entry tag in the font list and the matching font list entry is used to display the compound string. A font list entry is chosen as follows: o The first font list entry whose tag matches the tag of the compound string segment is used. o If no match has been found and if the tag of the compound string segment is XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, the first font list entry whose tag matches the tag that would result from creating an entry with XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET is used. For example, if creating an entry with XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET would result in the tag ISO8859-1, the compound string segment tag XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG matches the font list entry tag ISO8859-1. o If no match has been found and if the tag of the compound string segment matches the tag that would result from creating a segment with XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, the first font list entry whose tag is XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG is used. o If no match has been found, the first entry in the font list is used. The font list interface consists of the routines listed in Related Information. Font lists are specified in resource files with the following syntax: resource_spec: font_entry [, font_entry ]+ The resource value string consists of one or more font list entries separated by commas. Each font_entry identifies a font or font set and an optional font list entry tag. A tag specified for a single font follows the font name and is separated by = (equals sign); otherwise, in a font set the tag is separated by a colon. The colon is required whether a tag is specified or not. A font entry uses the following syntax to specify a single font: font_name [ '=' tag ] For example, the following entry specifies a 10 point Times Italic font without a font list entry tag; *fontList: -Adobe-Times-Medium-I-Normal--10* A font entry containing a font set is similar, except a semicolon separates multiple font names and the specification ends with a colon followed by an optional tag: font_name [ ';' font_name ]+ ':' [ tag ] A font_name is an X Logical Font Description (XLFD) string and tag is any set of characters from ISO646IRV except space, comma, colon, equal sign and semicolon. Following is an example of a font set entry. It consists of three fonts (except for charsets), and an explicit font list entry tag. *fontList: -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--25-180-100-100-M-150;-JIS-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--26-180-100-100-C-240;-JIS-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--26-180-100-100-C-120:MY_TAG Note that the XmRenderTable is another data type that can be used for font lists. Refer to the XmRenderTable(3) for details. RELATED
XmFontListAdd(3), XmFontListAppendEntry(3), XmFontListCopy(3), XmFontListCreate(3), XmFontListEntryCreate(3), XmFontListEntryFree(3), XmFontListEntryGetFont(3), XmFontListEntryGetTag(3), XmFontListEntryLoad(3), XmFontListFree(3), XmFontListFreeFontContext(3), XmFontList- GetNextFont(3), XmFontListInitFontContext(3), XmFontListNextEntry(3), XmFontListRemoveEntry(3), XmRenderTable(3), and XmString(3). XmFontList(library call)

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XmFontListEntryLoad(library call)										 XmFontListEntryLoad(library call)

XmFontListEntryLoad -- A font list function that loads a font or creates a font set and creates an accompanying font list entry SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> XmFontListEntry XmFontListEntryLoad( Display *display, char *font_name, XmFontType type, char *tag); DESCRIPTION
XmFontListEntryLoad loads a font or creates a font set based on the value of the type argument. It creates and returns a font list entry that contains the font or font set and the specified tag. If the value of type is XmFONT_IS_FONT, the function uses the XtCvtStringToFontStruct routine to convert the value of font_name to a font struct. If the value of type is XmFONT_IS_FONTSET, the function uses the XtCvtStringToFontSet converter to create a font set in the cur- rent locale. XmFontListEntryLoad creates a font list entry that contains the font or font set derived from the converter. For more infor- mation about XtCvtStringToFontStruct and XtCvtStringToFontSet, see X Toolkit Intrinsics--C Language Interface. display Specifies the display where the font list will be used. font_name Specifies an X Logical Font Description (XLFD) string, which is interpreted either as a font name or as a base font name list. A base font name list is a comma-separated and NULL-terminated string. type Specifies whether the font_name argument refers to a font name or to a base font name list. Valid values are XmFONT_IS_FONT and XmFONT_IS_FONTSET. tag Specifies the tag of the font list entry to be created. The tag may be specified as XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, which is used to identify the default font list element in a font list when specified as part of a resource. RETURN
If the specified font is not found, or if the specified font set cannot be created, then either an implementation-defined font will be opened or a font set will be created, and a warning messge will be generated. If no suitable font can be found or a font set cannot be cre- ated, then another message will be generated and the function will return NULL; otherwise the function returns a font list entry. If the function returns a font list entry, the function allocates space to hold the font list entry. The application is responsible for managing the allocated space. The application can recover the allocated space by calling XmFontListEntryFree. RELATED
XmFontList(3), XmFontListAppendEntry(3), XmFontListEntryCreate(3), XmFontListEntryFree(3), XmFontListEntryGetFont(3), XmFontListEntryGet- Tag(3), and XmFontListRemoveEntry(3). XmFontListEntryLoad(library call)
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