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ncheck(1m) [hpux man page]

ncheck(1M)																ncheck(1M)

ncheck - generate a list of path names from inode numbers SYNOPSIS
FStype] specific_options] [special ...] DESCRIPTION
when invoked without arguments, generates a list of path names corresponding to the inode numbers of all files contained on the file sys- tems listed in If special is specified, ncheck reports on the special only. Path names generated by are relative to the given special. Options Specify the file system type on which to operate (see fstyp(1M) and fs_wrapper(5)). If this option is not included on the command line, then the file system type is determined from the file by matching each special with an entry in that file. If there is no entry in then the file system type is determined from the file Specify options specific to each file system type. specific_options is a list of suboptions and/or keyword/attribute pairs intended for a specific FStype-specific mod- ule of the command. See the file-system-specific manual pages for a description of the specific_options supported, if any. Echo the completed command line, but perform no other action. The command line is generated by incorporating the user-specified options and other information derived from This option allows the user to verify the command line. EXAMPLES
Execute the command on all special in Execute the command on HFS file system Display a completed command line without executing the command: FILES
Specifies the default system type. Static information about the file systems. AUTHOR
was developed by AT&T and HP. SEE ALSO
fstab(4), fstyp(1M), fs_wrapper(5), ncheck_hfs(1M), ncheck_vxfs(1M). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE

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mkfs(1M)																  mkfs(1M)

mkfs - construct a file system (generic) SYNOPSIS
FStype] specific_options] special [operands] FStype] special DESCRIPTION
The command creates a file system by writing on the special file special. operands are listed on file-system-specific manpages (see the section). Options recognizes the following options: Specify the file system type on which to operate (see fstyp(1M) and fs_wrapper(5)). If this option is not included on the command line, then the file system type is determined from the file by matching special with an entry in that file. If there is no entry in then the file sys- tem type is determined from the file Display the command line that was used to create the file system. The file system must already exist. This option provides a means of determining the parameters used to construct the file system. Specify options specific to the file system type. specific_options is a list of suboptions and/or keyword/attribute pairs intended for an FStype-specific module of the command. See the file system specific manual entries for a description of the specific_options that are supported, if any. Echo the completed command line, but perform no other action. The command line is generated by incorporating the specified options and arguments with other information derived from This option allows the user to verify the command line. EXAMPLES
Execute the command to create a 32MB HFS file system on Execute the command on an HFS file system, to recreate the command that was used to create the file system on AUTHOR
was developed by HP and the University of California, Berkeley. FILES
Specifies the default file system type. Static information about the file systems. SEE ALSO
chmod(1), bdf(1M), df(1M), fsadm(1M), fsck(1M), fstyp(1M), mkfs_hfs(1M), mkfs_vxfs(1M), newfs(1M), fstab(4), group(4), passwd(4), fs_wrap- per(5). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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