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dmesg(1m) [hpux man page]

dmesg(1M)																 dmesg(1M)

dmesg - collect system diagnostic messages to form error log SYNOPSIS
looks in a system buffer for recently printed diagnostic messages and prints them on the standard output. The messages are those printed by the system when unusual events occur (such as when system tables overflow or the system crashes). If the argument is specified, com- putes (incrementally) the new messages since the last time it was run and places these on the standard output. This is typically used with (see cron(1)) to produce the error log by running the command: every 10 minutes. The arguments and allow substitution for the defaults and where should be a file containing the image of the kernel virtual memory saved by the savecrash(1M) command and should be the corresponding kernel. If the system is booted with a kernel other than /stand/vmunix say /stand/vmunix_new, must be passed this name, the command must be, WARNINGS
The system error message buffer is of small, finite size. is run only every few minutes, so there is no guarantee that all error messages will be logged. AUTHOR
was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. FILES
error log (conventional location) memory scratch file for option special file containing the image of kernel virtual memory the kernel, system name list SEE ALSO
savecrash(1M). dmesg(1M)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DMESG(1)						      General Commands Manual							  DMESG(1)

dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer SYNOPSIS
dmesg [-c] [-r] [-n level] [-s bufsize] DESCRIPTION
dmesg is used to examine or control the kernel ring buffer. The program helps users to print out their bootup messages. Instead of copying the messages by hand, the user need only: dmesg > boot.messages and mail the boot.messages file to whoever can debug their problem. OPTIONS
-c Clear the ring buffer contents after printing. -r Print the raw message buffer, i.e., don't strip the log level prefixes. -s bufsize Use a buffer of size bufsize to query the kernel ring buffer. This is 16392 by default. (The default kernel syslog buffer size was 4096 at first, 8192 since 1.3.54, 16384 since 2.1.113.) If you have set the kernel buffer to be larger than the default then this option can be used to view the entire buffer. -n level Set the level at which logging of messages is done to the console. For example, -n 1 prevents all messages, except panic messages, from appearing on the console. All levels of messages are still written to /proc/kmsg, so syslogd(8) can still be used to control exactly where kernel messages appear. When the -n option is used, dmesg will not print or clear the kernel ring buffer. When both options are used, only the last option on the command line will have an effect. SEE ALSO
The dmesg command is part of the util-linux package and is available from DMESG(1)
Man Page

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