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modldrv(9s) [freebsd man page]

modldrv(9S)						    Data Structures for Drivers 					       modldrv(9S)

modldrv - linkage structure for loadable drivers SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/modctl.h> INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) DESCRIPTION
The modldrv structure is used by device drivers to export driver specific information to the kernel. STRUCTURE MEMBERS
struct mod_ops *drv_modops; char *drv_linkinfo; struct dev_ops *drv_dev_ops; drv_modops Must always be initialized to the address of mod_driverops. This member identifies the module as a loadable driver. drv_linkinfo Can be any string up to MODMAXNAMELEN characters (including the terminating NULL character), and is used to describe the module and its version number. This is usually the name of the driver and module version information, but can contain other information as well. drv_dev_ops Pointer to the driver's dev_ops(9S) structure. SEE ALSO
add_drv(1M), dev_ops(9S), modlinkage(9S) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 5 Mar 2001 modldrv(9S)

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modldrv(9S)						    Data Structures for Drivers 					       modldrv(9S)

modldrv - linkage structure for loadable drivers SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/modctl.h> INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) DESCRIPTION
The modldrv structure is used by device drivers to export driver specific information to the kernel. STRUCTURE MEMBERS
struct mod_ops *drv_modops; char *drv_linkinfo; struct dev_ops *drv_dev_ops; drv_modops Must always be initialized to the address of mod_driverops. This member identifies the module as a loadable driver. drv_linkinfo Can be any string up to MODMAXNAMELEN characters (including the terminating NULL character), and is used to describe the module and its version number. This is usually the name of the driver and module version information, but can contain other information as well. drv_dev_ops Pointer to the driver's dev_ops(9S) structure. SEE ALSO
add_drv(1M), dev_ops(9S), modlinkage(9S) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.10 5 Mar 2001 modldrv(9S)
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