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rpc.idmapd(8) [freebsd man page]

RPC.IDMAPD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     RPC.IDMAPD(8)

rpc.idmapd -- NFSv4 ID <-> Name Mapper SYNOPSIS
rpc.idmapd [-v] [-f] [-d domain] [-p path] [-U username] [-G groupname] [-c path] DESCRIPTION
rpc.idmapd is the NFSv4 ID <-> name mapping daemon. It provides functionality to the NFSv4 kernel client and server, to which it communi- cates via upcalls, by translating user and group IDs to names, and vice versa. The options are as follows: -v Increases the verbosity level (can be specified multiple times). -f Runs rpc.idmapd in the foreground and prints all output to the terminal. -d domain Set domain to domain. This is used internally by NFSv4 and is typically assigned by the system administrator. By default, domain is set to be the FQDN of the host, minus the hostname. -p path Specifies the location of the RPC pipefs to be path. The default value is "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs". -U username Specifies the NFSv4 nobody user to be username. The default value is "nobody". -G groupname Specifies the NFSv4 nobody group to be groupname. The default value is "nobody". -c path Use configuration file path. -C Client-only: perform no idmapping for any NFS server, even if one is detected. -S Server-only: perform no idmapping for any NFS client, even if one is detected. EXAMPLES
rpc.idmapd -d "" -f -vvv Runs rpc.idmapd with the domain "" in the foreground, printing all messages to console, and with a verbosity level of 3. FILES
/etc/idmapd.conf SEE ALSO
idmapd.conf(5) AUTHORS
The rpc.idmapd software has been developed by Marius Aamodt Eriksen <>. BSD
February 3, 2003 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

RPC.IDMAPD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     RPC.IDMAPD(8)

rpc.idmapd -- NFSv4 ID <-> Name Mapper SYNOPSIS
rpc.idmapd [-v] [-f] [-d domain] [-p path] [-U username] [-G groupname] [-c path] DESCRIPTION
rpc.idmapd is the NFSv4 ID <-> name mapping daemon. It provides functionality to the NFSv4 kernel client and server, to which it communi- cates via upcalls, by translating user and group IDs to names, and vice versa. The options are as follows: -v Increases the verbosity level (can be specified multiple times). -f Runs rpc.idmapd in the foreground and prints all output to the terminal. -d domain Set domain to domain. This is used internally by NFSv4 and is typically assigned by the system administrator. By default, domain is set to be the FQDN of the host, minus the hostname. -p path Specifies the location of the RPC pipefs to be path. The default value is "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs". -U username Specifies the NFSv4 nobody user to be username. The default value is "nobody". -G groupname Specifies the NFSv4 nobody group to be groupname. The default value is "nobody". -c path Use configuration file path. -C Client-only: perform no idmapping for any NFS server, even if one is detected. -S Server-only: perform no idmapping for any NFS client, even if one is detected. EXAMPLES
rpc.idmapd -d "" -f -vvv Runs rpc.idmapd with the domain "" in the foreground, printing all messages to console, and with a verbosity level of 3. FILES
/etc/idmapd.conf SEE ALSO
idmapd.conf(5) AUTHORS
The rpc.idmapd software has been developed by Marius Aamodt Eriksen <>. BSD
February 3, 2003 BSD
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