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pam_permit(8) [freebsd man page]

PAM_PERMIT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     PAM_PERMIT(8)

pam_permit -- Promiscuous PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] module-type control-flag pam_permit [options] DESCRIPTION
The Promiscuous authentication service module for PAM, pam_permit provides functionality for all the PAM categories: authentication, account management, session management and password management. In terms of the module-type parameter, these are the ``auth'', ``account'', ``session'', and ``password'' features. The Promiscuous module will universally allow all requests. It is primarily of use during testing, and to silence ``noisy'' PAM-enabled applications. The following options may be passed to the module: debug syslog(3) debugging information at LOG_DEBUG level. SEE ALSO
syslog(3), pam.conf(5), pam(8) BSD
July 7, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PAM_SECURETTY(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  PAM_SECURETTY(8)

pam_securetty -- SecureTTY PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] module-type control-flag pam_securetty [options] DESCRIPTION
The SecureTTY service module for PAM provides functionality for only one PAM category: account management. In terms of the module-type parameter, this is the ``account'' feature. It also provides null functions for authentication and session management. SecureTTY Account Management Module The SecureTTY account management component (pam_sm_acct_mgmt()), returns failure if the user is attempting to authenticate as superuser, and the process is attached to an insecure TTY. In all other cases, the module returns success. A TTY is considered secure if it is listed in /etc/ttys and has the TTY_SECURE flag set. The following options may be passed to the authentication module: debug syslog(3) debugging information at LOG_DEBUG level. no_warn suppress warning messages to the user. These messages include reasons why the user's authentication attempt was declined. SEE ALSO
getttynam(3), syslog(3), pam.conf(5), ttys(5), pam(8) BSD
July 8, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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