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l2ping(8) [freebsd man page]

L2PING(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 L2PING(8)

l2ping -- send L2CAP ECHO_REQUEST to remote devices SYNOPSIS
l2ping [-fhn] -a remote [-c count] [-i wait] [-S source] [-s size] DESCRIPTION
The l2ping utility uses L2CAP ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an L2CAP ECHO_RESPONSE datagram from a remote device. The options are as follows: -a remote Specify the remote device to ping. The remote device can be specified by either its BD_ADDR or name. If name was specified then the l2ping utility will attempt to resolve the name via bt_gethostbyname(3). -c count Number of packets to send. If this option is not specified, l2ping will operate until interrupted. -f Do not wait between sending each packet. -h Display usage message and exit. -i wait Wait wait seconds between sending each packet. The default is to wait for one second between each packet. This option is ignored if -f has been specified. -n Numeric output only. No attempt will be made to look up symbolic names for host addresses. -S source Specify the local device which should be used to send L2CAP ECHO_REQUEST datagrams. The local device can be specified by either its BD_ADDR or name. If name was specified then the l2ping utility will attempt to resolve the name via bt_gethostbyname(3). -s size Specify the number of payload bytes to be sent. The default size is 44 bytes. It is calculated as minimum L2CAP MTU (48 bytes) minus the size of the L2CAP signalling command header (4 bytes). The maximum size is 65531 bytes. Is is calculated as maximum L2CAP MTU (65535 bytes) minus four bytes of payload reserved for l2ping internal use. Use this option with caution. Some implementations may not like large sizes and may hang or even crash. EXIT STATUS
The l2ping utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
bluetooth(3), netgraph(3), netgraph(4), ng_l2cap(4), l2control(8) AUTHORS
Maksim Yevmenkin <> BUGS
Could collect more statistic. Could check for duplicated, corrupted and lost packets. BSD
March 29, 2011 BSD

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NG_BLUETOOTH(4) 					   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					   NG_BLUETOOTH(4)

ng_bluetooth -- placeholder for global Bluetooth variables SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <netgraph/bluetooth/include/ng_bluetooth.h> DESCRIPTION
The ng_bluetooth module is a placeholder for global Bluetooth variables. All Bluetooth variables can be examined and changed via sysctl(8). Bluetooth Variables Below is the description of default variables. Each Bluetooth module might add its own variables to the tree. net.bluetooth.version A read-only integer variable that shows the current version of the Bluetooth stack. net.bluetooth.hci.command_timeout A read-write integer variable that controls the Host Controller Interface (HCI) command timeout (in seconds), i.e., how long the HCI layer will wait for the Command_Complete or Command_Status event from a Bluetooth device. net.bluetooth.hci.connection_timeout A read-write integer variable that controls the HCI connection timeout, i.e. how long the HCI layer will wait for the Connection_Complete event. Normally this should not be required as Bluetooth devices have connection timeout of their own and will send event back. This timeout is required to ensure that no connection will stall in case when the HCI transport layer is broken. Be careful when changing this variable. Make sure you understand what you are doing. net.bluetooth.hci.max_neighbor_age A read-write integer variable that controls time-to-live (in seconds) for entries in the HCI neighbor cache. Every time a Bluetooth device performs an Inquiry operation, the results will be put in cache. Later when a Bluetooth device establishes a baseband connec- tion, it will try to find the matching entry in the cache and use it. This might speed up establishment of the baseband connection. net.bluetooth.l2cap.rtx_timeout A read-write integer variable that controls the Link Layer Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) Retransmission Timeout (RTX) (in seconds). Every time the L2CAP layer submits a control command, the RTX timeout is set. The value of the RTX timeout should be greater or equal to the value of the HCI connection timeout. Be careful when changing this variable. Make sure you understand what you are doing. net.bluetooth.l2cap.ertx_timeout A read-write integer variable that controls the L2CAP Extended Retransmission Timeout (ERTX) (in seconds). In some cases remote peer may respond with PENDING status to the L2CAP control command. In this case the L2CAP command timeout is reset to the ERTX timeout value. The value of the ERTX timeout should be greater or equal to the value of the RTX timeout. Be careful when changing this variable. Make sure you understand what you are doing. SEE ALSO
ng_btsocket(4), ng_hci(4), ng_l2cap(4), sysctl(8) HISTORY
The ng_bluetooth module was implemented in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
Maksim Yevmenkin <> BSD
November 9, 2002 BSD
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