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kldxref(8) [freebsd man page]

KLDXREF(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						KLDXREF(8)

kldxref -- generate hints for the kernel loader SYNOPSIS
kldxref [-Rdv] [-f hintsfile] path ... DESCRIPTION
The kldxref utility is used to generate hint files which list modules, their version numbers, and the files that contain them. These hints are used by the kernel loader to determine where to find a particular KLD module. A separate hint file is generated for each directory listed on the command line that contains modules. If no hint records are generated for a particular directory, no hint file is created, and the preexisting hint file (if there was one in that directory) is removed. The following options are available: -R Recurse into subdirectories. -d Do not generate a hint file, but print module metadata on standard output. -f hintsfile Specify a different name for the hints files than linker.hints. -v Operate in verbose mode. EXAMPLES
To build hint files for both standard and add-on modules: kldxref /boot/kernel /boot/modules To build hint files for all installed kernels: kldxref -R /boot SEE ALSO
kld(4), kldconfig(8), kldload(8), kldstat(8), kldunload(8) HISTORY
The kldxref utility first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The kldxref utility was implemented by Boris Popov <>. This manual page was written by Boris Popov <> and Dag-Erling Smorgrav <>. BSD
October 9, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SND_AD1816(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					     SND_AD1816(4)

snd_ad1816 -- Analog Devices AD1816 ISA bridge device driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device sound device snd_ad1816 Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): snd_ad1816_load="YES" Non-PnP cards require the following lines in device.hints(5):"isa" hint.pcm.0.irq="10" hint.pcm.0.drq="1" hint.pcm.0.flags="0x0" DESCRIPTION
The snd_ad1816 bridge driver allows the generic audio driver sound(4) to attach to the AD1816 sound card. HARDWARE
The snd_ad1816 driver supports the following sound cards: o Analog Devices AD1816 SEE ALSO
sound(4) HISTORY
The snd_ad1816 device driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
Cameron Grant <> Luigi Rizzo <> Hannu Savolainen BSD
December 15, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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